Complete Industry Mod

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  • Complete Industry Mod Beta will be released on December 25 2023.

    Please note that this release will be for evaluation purposes and your feedback is much appreciated. It is not the final Mod, so some parts will be updated and more industries added.

    This version is available in British English and should also work in German (not tested), French (not tested) Italian (not tested) and Spanish (not tested). Please send feedback to help improve the non English translations. If you are fluent in German, French or Spanish and would like to help with translations, please let me know.

    All other default languages will eventually be available.

    The primary reason for creating this Mod is to bring together as many industries as possible in one place.

    Secondly, to replace as many 'crated' cagoes with visual replacements. This has been quite challenging, due to the games limitations and the small size of many of the cargoes. I hope to improve on some of these cargoes in future versions.

    All Vanilla industries are still available from the basic game. I have tried to keep all new industries as vanilla based as possible and modified from original game files such as the Farm or Iron Ore Mine.

    I have taken inspiration from many of the great industry mods already available.


    Use a large map if you want to try all industries and cargoes. Please note, not all industry chains are complete in the Beta version, use the Town Tuning Mod by Lollus. This will allow you to send cargoes to towns.

    Do not use with other Industry Mods as the game may crash.


    Acid Plant

    Requires: Sulphur and Water.

    Produces: Acid.

    Advanced Construction Factory

    Requires: Stone, Glass, Concrete, Marble.

    Produces: Construction Materials.

    Advanced Steel Factory

    Requires: Coal, Iron Ore and Steel.

    Produces: Galvanised Steel and Steel.

    Alcohol Factory

    Requires Water, Sugar or Sugar Cane.

    Produces: Alcohol.

    Alcoholic Drinks Factory

    Requires: Alcohol.

    Produces: Alcoholic Drinks.

    Aluminium Smelting Plant

    Requires: Bauxite.

    Produces: Aluminium for the Cannery, Slag (for the Asphalt Factory) and Waste (crated) for recycling.

    Appliances Factory

    Requires: Plastic and Steel.

    Produces: Appliances.

    Asphalt Factory

    Requires; Stone, Slag, Oil.

    Produces: Asphalt.


    Requires: Grain.

    Produces: Bread.

    Battery Factory

    Requires: Acid, Copper and Plastic.

    Produces: Batteries for the Car Factory (Crated).


    Requires: Grain, Hops, Sugar and Water.

    Produces: Beer.


    Requires: Fish, Meat and Aluminium.

    Produces: Canned Food.

    Car Factory

    Please note, although the Car Factory is included, tyres still appear as crates. I am still working on this Industry. Hope to replace Machines with Engines in the next release.

    To transport vehicles, use the Car Transport Waggon DB Mod.

    Requires: Galvanised Steel, Textiles, Tyres, Glass, Machines and Batteries.

    Produces: Cars.

    Cardboard Factory

    Requies: Pulp and Water.

    Produces: Cardboard for the Carton Factory.

    Carton Factory

    Requies: Cardboard.

    Produces: Cartons for the Fruit Juice Factory.

    Cement Factory

    Requires: Chalk, Limestone and Sand.

    Produces: Cement

    Champagne Winery

    Requies: Green Grapes.

    Produces: Champagne

    Cheese Factory

    Requires: Milk.

    Produces: Cheese.

    Chocolate Factory

    Requires Cocoa Beans, Milk and Sugar.

    Produces: Chocolate.

    Cigar Factory

    Requires: Tobacco.

    Produces: Cigars.

    Cigarette Factory

    Requires: Tobacco and Paper.

    Produces: Cigarettes.

    Clothes Factory

    Requires: Textiles.

    Produces: Clothes (Blue Crate)

    Coffee Factory

    Requires: Coffee Berries.

    Produces: Coffee.

    Concrete Factory

    Requires: Cement and Water.

    Produces: Concrete for the Advanced Construction Factory.

    Copper Smelting Plant

    Requires: Copper Ore.

    Produces: Copper.

    Electronics Factory

    Requires: Copper, Plastic and Steel.

    Produces: Electronics (crated).

    Galvanised Steel Factory

    Requires: Coal, Iron Ore and Zinc.

    Produces: Galvanised Steel (for the Car Plant), Slag (for the Asphalt Factory) and Waste for recycling.

    Gold Foundry

    Requires: Gold Ore.

    Produces: Gold Bullion.

    Glass Factory

    Requires: Potash and Sand.

    Produces: Glass for the Car Plant.

    Food Factory

    Requires: Grain, Fish, Meat, Salt and Sugar.

    Produces: Food.

    Fruit Juice Factory

    Requires: Fruit.

    Produces: Fruit Juice

    Meat Processing Plant

    Requires: Livestock.

    Produces: Meat.

    Paper Factory

    Requires: Pulp and Water.

    Produces: Paper.

    Post Office

    Requires: Unsorted Mail.

    Produces: Mail.

    Pulp Mill

    Requires: Logs and Water

    Produces: Pulp.

    Recyclig Plant

    Requires: Waste.

    Produces: Glass, Paper, Plastic and Steel.

    Red Winery

    Requires: Red Grapes.

    Produces: Red Wine

    Rum Distillery

    Requires Grain, Sugar Cane and Water.

    Produces: Rum.

    Seperation Plant

    Requires:Oil Sand and Waste Water.

    Produces: Oil, Sand and Water.

    Silver Foundry

    Requires: Silver Ore.

    Produces: Silver Bullion.

    Soft Drinks Factory

    Requires: Acid, Sugar and Water.

    Produces: Soft Drinks.

    Synthetic Rubber Factory

    Requires: Oil

    Produces: Rubber.

    Textile Factory

    Requires: Cotton or Wool.

    Produces: Textiles.

    Tropical Food Factory

    Requires: Bananas, Coconuts, Pineapples.

    Produces: Food.

    Tyre Factory

    Requires: Rubber.

    Produces: Tyres for the Car Plant (crated).

    Water Works

    Produces: Water.



    Banana Plantation

    Cocoa Plantation

    Coconut Plantation

    Coffee Plantation

    Cotton Plantation

    Dairy Farm


    Fruit Plantation

    Hops Farm

    Livestock Farm

    Pineapple Plantation

    Rubber Plantation

    Sheep Farm

    Sugarcane Plantation

    Sugar Farm

    Tobacco Plantation



    Please note, mined minerals and gems have been created to give a visual effect of transporting for example gold or diamonds. I know this is not how they would look in reality. It was just not possible to produce realistic ore due to the images small size in the game. So I decided to go for the visual effect.

    Bauxite Mine

    Chalk Mine

    Copper Mine

    Diamond Mine

    Emerald Mine

    Gold Mine

    Limestone Quarry

    Marble Quarry

    Potash Mine

    Quartzite Quarry

    Ruby Mine

    Salt Mine

    Sand Quarry

    Sandstone Quarry

    Saphire Mine

    Sulphur Quarry

    Zinc Mine





    Alcoholic Dinks


    Aluminum Bars

    Aluminum Ore




















    Cocoa Beans




    Copper Bars

    Copper Ore








    Fruit Juice

    Galvanized Steel

    Gold Ore

    Gold Bullion

    Gold Products








    Oil Sand











    Silver Bullion

    Silver Ore

    Silver Products



    Sugar Cane


    Synthetic Rubber




    Unsorted Mail

    War Mterials


    Waste water


    Zinc Ore



    Though not yet complete (blue crated cargo with yellow lettering), I have decided to include the following industries as I intend to modify them in future releases:








    Computer Chips

    Engines (for the Car Factory)



    Light Bulbs

    Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)

    Power Plant



    English (EN) (TESTED)

    Dutch (NL) (TESTED)

    French (FR) (TESTED)

    German (DE) (TESTED)

    Spanish (ES) (TESTED)

    Italian (IT) (TESTED)

    Portuguese (pt_BR) (TESTED)

    Russian (RU) (TESTED)

  • German Translations

    Could someone who is fluent in German check that these translations are correct? I am sure there are a few errors.

    I am also looking for someone to test the mod in German before release.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Please see below:

    Deutsche Übersetzungen

    Könnte jemand, der fließend Deutsch spricht, überprüfen, ob diese Übersetzungen korrekt sind? Ich bin mir sicher, dass es ein paar Fehler gibt.

    Ich suche auch jemanden, der den Mod vor der Veröffentlichung auf Deutsch testet.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Hilfe.

    Siehe unten:

    de = {

    ["Acid"] = "Säure",

    ["Acid Plant"] = "Säurefabrik",

    ["Alcohol Distillery"] = "Brennerei",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks"] = "Alkoholische getränke",

    ["Aluminium"] = "Aluminium",

    ["Aluminium Smelting Plant"] = "Aluminiumschmelze",

    ["Asphalt"] = "Asphalt",

    ["Asphalt Plant"] = "Asphaltfabrik",

    ["Bakery"] = "Bäckerei",

    ["Banana Plantation"] = "Bananenplantage",

    ["Bananas"] = "Bananen",

    ["Basalt"] = "Basalt",

    ["Basalt Quarry"] = "Basaltsteinbruch",

    ["Batteries"] = "Batterien",

    ["Battery Factory"] = "Batteriefabrik",

    ["Bauxite"] = "Bauxit",

    ["Bauxite Mine"] = "Bauxitmine",

    ["Beer"] = "Bier",

    ["Bread"] = "Brot",

    ["Brewery"] = "Brauerei",

    ["Canned Food"] = "Dosen Essen",

    ["Cannery"] = "Konservenfabrik",

    ["Cardboard"] = "Karton",

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Kartonfabrik",

    ["Cartons"] = "Kartons",

    ["Cars"] = "Autos",

    ["Car Factory"] = "Autofabrik",

    ["Cement"] = "Zement",

    ["Cement Factory"] = "Zementwerk",

    ["Champagne"] = "Champagner",

    ["Champagne Factory"] = "Champagner-Kelterei",

    ["Cheese"] = "Käse",

    ["Cheese Factory"] = "Käserei",

    ["Chocolate"] = "Schokolade",

    ["Chocolate Factory"] = "Schokoladenfabrik",

    ["Cigar Factory"] = "Zigarrenmanufaktur",

    ["Cigars"] = "Zigarren",

    ["Cigarettes"] = "Zigaretten",

    ["Cigarette Factory"] = "Zigarettenfabrik",

    ["Clay"] = "Ton",

    ["Clay Pit"] = "Tongrube",

    ["Clothes"] = "Kleidung",

    ["Clothes Factory"] = "Kleiderfabrik",

    ["Cocoabeans"] = "Kakaobohnen",

    ["Cocoa Plantation"] = "Kakaoplantage",

    ["Coconut Plantation"] = "Kokosnussplantage",

    ["Coconuts"] = "Kokosnüsse",

    ["Coffee"] = "Kaffee",

    ["Coffee Farm"] = "Kaffeeplantage",

    ["Coffee Processing Plant"] = "Kaffeerösterei",

    ["Concrete"] = "Beton",

    ["Concrete Factory"] = "Betonfabrik",

    ["Copper"] = "Kupfer",

    ["Copper Ore"] = "Kupfererz",

    ["Copper Ore Mine"] = "Kupfermine",

    ["Copper Smelting Plant"] = "Kupferschmelze",

    ["Dairy Farm"] = "Milchbauernhof",

    ["Diamond Mine"] = "Diamantenmine",

    ["Diamonds"] = "Diamanten",

    ["Emerald Mine"] = "Smaragdmine",

    ["Emeralds"] = "Smaragde",

    ["Fruit"] = "Obst",

    ["Fruit Juice"] = "Fruchtsaft",

    ["Fruit Juice Factory"] = "Fruchtsaftfabrik",

    ["Fruit Plantation"] = "Obstplantage",

    ["Glass"] = "Glas",

    ["Glass Factory"] = "Glasfabrik",

    ["Gold"] = "Gold",

    ["Gold Products"] = "Luxusgüter",

    ["Gold Products Factory"] = "Goldschmiede",

    ["Gold Ore"] = "Golderz",

    ["Gold Ore Mine"] = "Golderzmine",

    ["Gold Smelting Plant"] = "Goldschmelze",

    ["Green Grapes"] = "Grüne Trauben",

    ["Hops"] = "Hopfen",

    ["Hops Farm"] = "Hopfenfarm",

    ["Limestone"] = "Kalkstein",

    ["Limestone Quarry"] = "Kalksteinbruch",

    ["Livestock"] = "Vieh",

    ["Livestock Farm"] = "Viehzuchtbetrieb",

    ["Lubricants"] = "Schmiermittel",

    ["Lubricants Refinery"] = "Schmiefmittelraffinerie",

    ["Mail"] = "Post",

    ["Marble Quarry"] = "Marmor Steinbruch",

    ["Marble"] = "Marmor",

    ["Meat"] = "Fleisch",

    ["Meat Processing Plant"] = "Schlachthof",

    ["Milk"] = "Milch",

    ["Oil Sand"] = "Ölsand",

    ["Oil Sand Mine"] = "Ölsand Tagebau",

    ["Paper Mill"] = "Papierfabrik",

    ["Paper"] = "Papier",

    ["Pineapple Plantation"] = "Ananasplantage",

    ["Pineapples"] = "Ananas",

    ["Post Office"] = "Postamt",

    ["Potash"] = "Pottasche",

    ["Potash Mine"] = "Kalibergwerk",

    ["Quartzite"] = "Quarzit",

    ["Quartzite Quarry"] = "Quarzit-Steinbruch",

    ["Recycling Plant"] = "Recycling-Anlage",

    ["Red Grapes"] = "Rote Trauben",

    ["Red Wine"] = "Rotwein",

    ["Rubber"] = "Gummi",

    ["Rubber Plantation"] = "Gummiplantage",

    ["Ruby Mine"] = "Rubinmine",

    ["Rubies"] = "Rubine",

    ["Rum"] = "Rum",

    ["Rum Distillery"] = "Rumbrennerei",

    ["Salt"] = "Salz",

    ["Salt Mine"] = "Salzbergwerk",

    ["Sand"] = "Sand",

    ["Sand Quarry"] = "Sandsteinbruch",

    ["Sandstone"] = "Sandstein",

    ["Sandstone Quarry"] = "Sandsteinbruch",

    ["Saphire Mine"] = "Saphirmine",

    ["Saphires"] = "Saphire",

    ["Separation Plant"] = "Trennanlage",

    ["Sheep Farm"] = "Schaffarm",

    ["Silicon"] = "Silizium",

    ["Silicon Refinery"] = "Siliziumraffinerie",

    ["Silver"] = "Silber",

    ["Silver Products"] = "Silberprodukte",

    ["Silver Products Factory"] = "Silberproduktfabrik",

    ["Silver Ore Mine"] = "Silbermine",

    ["Silver Smelting Plant"] = "Silberschmelze",

    ["Slag"] = "Schlacke",

    ["Soft Drinks"] = "Alkoholfreie Getränke",

    ["Soft Drinks Factory"] = "Fabrik für alkoholfreie Getränke",

    ["Sugar"] = "Zucker",

    ["Sugarcane"] = "Zuckerrohr",

    ["Sugarcane Plantation"] = "Zuckerrohrplantage",

    ["Sugar Farm"] = "Zuckerfarm",

    ["Sulphur"] = "Schwefel",

    ["Sulphur Quarry"] = "Schwefelsteinbruch",

    ["Synthetic Rubber"] = "Synthesekautschuk",

    ["Synthetic Rubber Factory"] = "Fabrik für synthetischen Kautschuk",

    ["Tobacco"] = "Tabak",

    ["Tobacco Plantation"] = "Tabakplantage",

    ["Unsorted Mail"] = "Unsortierte Post",

    ["Vineyard (White)"] = "Weinberg (Weiß)",

    ["Vineyard (Red)"] = "Weinberg (Rot)",

    ["War Materials Factory"] = "Sprengstofffabrik",

    ["Waste Water"] = "Abwasser",

    ["Water"] = "Wasser",

    ["Waterworks"] = "Wasserwerk",

    ["White Wine"] = "Weißwein",

    ["Wool"] = "Wolle",


  • A few other points, if I may.

    ["Canned Food"] = "Konservennahrung",

    ["Fruit Juice Factory"] = "Mosterei", (slightly old-fashioned, but often used)

    ["Marble Quarry"] = "Marmorsteinbruch", (this is one word!)

    ["Oil Sand Mine"] = "Ölsandtagebau", (same, or "Ölschiefermine")

    ["Sulphur Quarry"] = "Schwefelmine", (Mine fits better than Steinbruch, the latter rather refers to a quarry mining stones proper instead of other minerals)

  • Hello Philipsz

    some spanish translations ( I'm Spanish. I hope the list does not contain typos.)

    ["Acid"] = "Ácido",

    ["Acid Plant"] = "Fábrica de ácido",

    ["Alcohol Distillery"] = "Destilería",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks"] = "Bebidas alcohólicas",

    ["Aluminium"] = "Aluminio",

    ["Aluminium Smelting Plant"] = "Fundición de Aluminio",

    ["Asphalt"] = "Asfalto",

    ["Asphalt Plant"] = "Fábrica de asfalto",

    ["Bakery"] = "Panadería",

    ["Banana Plantation"] = "Plantación de Bananas",

    ["Bananas"] = "Bananas",

    ["Basalt"] = "Basalto",

    ["Basalt Quarry"] = "Cantera de basalto",

    ["Batteries"] = "Baterías",

    ["Battery Factory"] = "Fábrica de baterías",

    ["Bauxite"] = "Bauxita",

    ["Bauxite Mine"] = "Mina de bauxita",

    ["Beer"] = "Cerveza",

    ["Bread"] = "Pan",

    ["Brewery"] = "Cervecería",

    ["Canned Food"] = "Comida en conserva",

    ["Cannery"] = "Fábrica de conservas",

    ["Cardboard"] = "Cartonajes",

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Fábrica de cartonajes",

    ["Cartons"] = "Cartones",

    ["Cars"] = "Coches",

    ["Car Factory"] = "Fábrica de coches",

    ["Cement"] = "Cemento",

    ["Cement Factory"] = "Fábrica de cementos",

    ["Champagne"] = "Champagne",

    ["Champagne Factory"] = "Bodega de espumosos",

    ["Cheese"] = "Queso",

    ["Cheese Factory"] = "Quesería",

    ["Chocolate"] = "Chocolate",

    ["Chocolate Factory"] = "Fábrica de chocolate",

    ["Cigar Factory"] = "Tabaquera",

    ["Cigars"] = "Cigarros",

    ["Cigarettes"] = "Cigarrillos",

    ["Cigarette Factory"] = "Fábica de cigarrillos",

    ["Clay"] = "Arcilla",

    ["Clay Pit"] = "Pozo de arcilla",

    ["Clothes"] = "Ropas",

    ["Clothes Factory"] = "Fábrica de textiles",

    ["Cocoabeans"] = "Granos de cacao",

    ["Cocoa Plantation"] = "Plantación de cacao",

    ["Coconut Plantation"] = "Plantación de coco",

    ["Coconuts"] = "Cocos",

    ["Coffee"] = "Café",

    ["Coffee Farm"] = "Cafetal",

    ["Coffee Processing Plant"] = "Tostadora de café",

    ["Concrete"] = "Hormigón",

    ["Concrete Factory"] = "Fábrica de hormigón",

    ["Copper"] = "Cobre",

    ["Copper Ore"] = "Mineral de cobre",

    ["Copper Ore Mine"] = "Mina de cobre",

    ["Copper Smelting Plant"] = "Fundición de cobre",

    ["Dairy Farm"] = "Granja lechera",

    ["Diamond Mine"] = "Mina de diamantes",

    ["Diamonds"] = "Diamantes",

    ["Emerald Mine"] = "Mina de esmeraldas",

    ["Emeralds"] = "Esmeraldas",

    ["Fruit"] = "Fruta",

    ["Fruit Juice"] = "Zumo de fruta",

    ["Fruit Juice Factory"] = "Fábrica de zumos",

    ["Fruit Plantation"] = "Plantación de frutas",

    ["Glass"] = "Vidrio",

    ["Glass Factory"] = "Vidriera",

    ["Gold"] = "Oro",

    ["Gold Products"] = "Productos de oro",

    ["Gold Products Factory"] = "Orfebrería de oro",

    ["Gold Ore"] = "Mineral de oro",

    ["Gold Ore Mine"] = "Mina de mineral de oro",

    ["Gold Smelting Plant"] = "Fundición de oro",

    ["Green Grapes"] = "Uvas verdes",

    ["Hops"] = "Lúpulo",

    ["Hops Farm"] = "Granja de lúpulo",

    ["Limestone"] = "Piedra caliza",

    ["Limestone Quarry"] = "Cantera de calizas",

    ["Livestock"] = "Ganado",

    ["Livestock Farm"] = "Granja de ganado",

    ["Lubricants"] = "Lubricantes",

    ["Lubricants Refinery"] = "Refinería de lubricantes",

    ["Mail"] = "Correo",

    ["Marble Quarry"] = "Cantera de mármol",

    ["Marble"] = "Mármol",

    ["Meat"] = "Carne",

    ["Meat Processing Plant"] = "Procesadora de carnes",

    ["Milk"] = "Leche",

    ["Oil Sand"] = "Arenas bituminosas",

    ["Oil Sand Mine"] = "Mina de arenas bituminosas",

    ["Paper Mill"] = "Papelera",

    ["Paper"] = "Papel",

    ["Pineapple Plantation"] = "Plantación de piñas",

    ["Pineapples"] = "Piñas",

    ["Post Office"] = "Oficina de correos",

    ["Potash"] = "Potasa",

    ["Potash Mine"] = "Mina de potasa",

    ["Quartzite"] = "Cuarcita",

    ["Quartzite Quarry"] = "Cantera de cuarcita",

    ["Recycling Plant"] = "Planta de reciclado",

    ["Red Grapes"] = "Uvas negras",

    ["Red Wine"] = "Vino tinto",

    ["Rubber"] = "Caucho",

    ["Rubber Plantation"] = "Plantación de caucho",

    ["Ruby Mine"] = "Mina de rubíes",

    ["Rubies"] = "Rubíes",

    ["Rum"] = "Ron",

    ["Rum Distillery"] = "Destilería de ron",

    ["Salt"] = "Sal",

    ["Salt Mine"] = "Salinas",

    ["Sand"] = "Arena",

    ["Sand Quarry"] = "Arenera",

    ["Sandstone"] = "Arenisca",

    ["Sandstone Quarry"] = "Cantera de arenisca",

    ["Saphire Mine"] = "Mina de zafiros",

    ["Saphires"] = "Zafiros",

    ["Separation Plant"] = "Planta de separación",

    ["Sheep Farm"] = "Granja de ovejas",

    ["Silicon"] = "Silicio",

    ["Silicon Refinery"] = "Refinería de silicio",

    ["Silver"] = "Plata",

    ["Silver Products"] = "Platerías",

    ["Silver Products Factory"] = "Orfebrería de plata",

    ["Silver Ore Mine"] = "Mina de plata",

    ["Silver Smelting Plant"] = "Fundición de plata",

    ["Slag"] = "Escoria",

    ["Soft Drinks"] = "Refrescos",

    ["Soft Drinks Factory"] = "Fábrica de refrescos",

    ["Sugar"] = "Azúcar",

    ["Sugarcane"] = "Caña de azúcar",

    ["Sugarcane Plantation"] = "Plantación de caña azucarera",

    ["Sugar Farm"] = "Granja azucarera",

    ["Sulphur"] = "Azufre",

    ["Sulphur Quarry"] = "Cantera de azufre",

    ["Synthetic Rubber"] = "Caucho sintético",

    ["Synthetic Rubber Factory"] = "Fábrica de caucho sintético",

    ["Tobacco"] = "Tabaco",

    ["Tobacco Plantation"] = "Plantación de tabaco",

    ["Unsorted Mail"] = "Correo sin clasificar",

    ["Vineyard (White)"] = "Viñedo (Blancos)",

    ["Vineyard (Red)"] = "Viñedo (Tintos)",

    ["War Materials Factory"] = "Fábrica de explosivos",

    ["Waste Water"] = "Aguas negras",

    ["Water"] = "Agua",

    ["Waterworks"] = "Depuradora de aguas",

    ["White Wine"] = "Vino blanco",

    ["Wool"] = "Lana",

  • Absolutely, thanks again. The Mod has now been tested in German, French, italian and Spanish.

    If you have any more correction please let me know.

    Here is the complete Spanish translation:

    es = {

    ["Acid"] = "Ácido",

    ["Acid Plant"] = "Fábrica de ácido",

    ["Advanced Steel Mill"] = "Acería avanzada",

    ["Alcohol Distillery"] = "Destilería",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks"] = "Bebidas alcohólicas",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks Factory"] = "Fábrica de Bebidas Alcohólicas",

    ["Aluminium"] = "Aluminio",

    ["Aluminium Smelting Plant"] = "Fundición de Aluminio",

    ["Appliances"] = "Accesorios",

    ["Appliances Factory"] = "Electrodomésticos de fábrica",

    ["Asphalt"] = "Asfalto",

    ["Asphalt Factory"] = "Fábrica de asfalto"",

    ["Bakery"] = "Panadería",

    ["Banana Plantation"] = "Plantación de Bananas",

    ["Bananas"] = "Bananas",

    ["Basalt"] = "Basalto",

    ["Basalt Quarry"] = "Cantera de basalto",

    ["Batteries"] = "Baterías",

    ["Battery Factory"] = "Fábrica de baterías",

    ["Bauxite"] = "Bauxita",

    ["Bauxite Mine"] = "Mina de bauxita",

    ["Beer"] = "Cerveza",

    ["Bread"] = "Pan",

    ["Brewery"] = "Cervecería",

    ["Canned Food"] = "omida en conserva",

    ["Cannery"] = "Fábrica de conservas",

    ["Cardboard"] = "Cartonajes",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Fábrica de Cartón",

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Fábrica de cartonajes",

    ["Cartons"] = "Cartones",

    ["Cars"] = "Coches",

    ["Car Factory"] = "Fábrica de coches",

    ["Cement"] = "Camento",

    ["Cement Factory"] = "Fábrica de cementos",

    ["Chalk"] = "Tiza",

    ["Chalk Mine"] = "Mina de tiza",

    ["Champagne"] = "Champagne",

    ["Champagne Factory"] = "Bodega de espumosos",

    ["Cheese"] = "Queso",

    ["Cheese Factory"] = "Quesería",

    ["Chocolate"] = "Chocolate",

    ["Chocolate Factory"] = "Fabrica de chocolate",

    ["Cigar Factory"] = "Tabaquera",

    ["Cigars"] = "Cigarros",

    ["Cigarettes"] = "Cigarrillos",

    ["Cigarette Factory"] = "Fábrica de cigarrillos",

    ["Clay"] = "Arcilla",

    ["Clay Pit"] = "Pozo de arcilla",

    ["Clothes"] = "Ropa",

    ["Clothes Factory"] = "Fábrica de textiles",

    ["Cocoabeans"] = "Granos de cacao",

    ["Cocoa Plantation"] = "Plantación de cacao",

    ["Coconut Plantation"] = "Plantación de coco",

    ["Coconuts"] = "Cocos",

    ["Coffee"] = "Café",

    ["Coffee Farm"] = "Cafetal",

    ["Coffee Processing Plant"] = "Tostadora de café",

    ["Concrete"] = "Hormigón",

    ["Concrete Factory"] = "Fábrica de hormigón",

    ["Copper"] = "Cobre",

    ["Copper Ore"] = "Mineral de cobre",

    ["Copper Ore Mine"] = "Mina de cobre",

    ["Copper Foundry"] = "Fundición de cobre",

    ["Cotton"] = "Algodón",

    ["Cotton Plantation"] = "Plantación de algodón",

    ["Dairy Farm"] = "Granja lechera",

    ["Diamond Mine"] = "Mina de diamantes",

    ["Diamonds"] = "Diamantes",

    ["Electronics"] = "Electrónica",

    ["Electronics Factory"] = "Fábrica Electrónica",

    ["Emerald Mine"] = "Mina de esmeralda",

    ["Emeralds"] = "Esmeraldas",

    ["Food Factory"] = "Fabrica de comida",

    ["Fruit"] = "Fruta",

    ["Fruit Juice"] = "Zumo de fruta",

    ["Fruit Juice Factory"] = "Fábrica de zumos",

    ["Fruit Plantation"] = "Plantación de frutas",

    ["Galvanised Steel"] = "Acero galvanizado",

    ["Galvanised Steel Factory"] = "Fábrica de Acero Galvanizado",

    ["Glass"] = "Vidrio",

    ["Glass Factory"] = "Vidriera",

    ["Gold"] = "Oro",

    ["Gold Products"] = "Productos de oro",

    ["Gold Products Factory"] = "Orfebrería de oro",

    ["Gold Ore"] = "Metal de oro",

    ["Gold Ore Mine"] = "Mina de mineral de oro",

    ["Gold Foundry"] = "Fundición de oro",

    ["Green Grapes"] = "Uvas verdes",

    ["Hops"] = "Lúpulo",

    ["Hops Farm"] = "Granja de lúpulo",

    ["Limestone"] = "Piedra caliza",

    ["Limestone Quarry"] = Cantera de calizas",

    ["Livestock"] = "Ganado",

    ["Livestock Farm"] = "Granja ganadera",

    ["Lubricants"] = "Lubricantes",

    ["Lubricants Refinery"] = "Refinería de Lubricantes",

    ["Mail"] = "Correo",

    ["Marble Quarry"] = "Cantera de mármol",

    ["Marble"] = "Mármol",

    ["Meat"] = "Carne",

    ["Meat Processing Plant"] = "Procesadora de carne",

    ["Milk"] = "Leche",

    ["Oil Sand"] = "Arenas bituminosas",

    ["Oil Sand Mine"] = "Mina de arenas bituminosas",

    ["Paper Mill"] = "Fábrica de papel",

    ["Paper"] = "Papel",

    ["Pineapple Plantation"] = "Plantación de piña",

    ["Pineapples"] = "Piñas",

    ["Post Office"] = "Oficina de correos",

    ["Potash"] = "Potasa",

    ["Potash Mine"] = "Mina de potasa",

    ["Pulp"] = "Pulpa",

    ["Pulp Mill"] = "Fábrica de pulpa",

    ["Quartzite"] = "Cuarcita",

    ["Quartzite Quarry"] = "Cantera de cuarcita",

    ["Recycling Plant"] = "Planta de reciclado",

    ["Red Grapes"] = "Uvas negras",

    ["Red Wine"] = "Vino tinto",

    ["Red Winery"] = "Bodega Tinta",

    ["Rubber"] = "Caucho",

    ["Rubber Plantation"] = "Plantación de caucho",

    ["Ruby Mine"] = "Mina de rubíes",

    ["Rubies"] = "Rubíes",

    ["Rum"] = "Ron",

    ["Rum Distillery"] = "Destilería de ron",

    ["Salt"] = "Sal",

    ["Salt Mine"] = "Salinas",

    ["Sand"] = "Arena",

    ["Sand Quarry"] = "Arenera",

    ["Sandstone"] = "Arenisca",

    ["Sandstone Quarry"] = "Cantera de arenisca",

    ["Saphire Mine"] = "Mina de zafiros",

    ["Saphires"] = "Zafiros",

    ["Separation Plant"] = "Planta de Separación",

    ["Sheep Farm"] = "Granja de ovejas",

    ["Silicon"] = "Silicio",

    ["Silicon Refinery"] = "Refinería de Silicio",

    ["Silver"] = "Plata",

    ["Silver Products"] = "Platerías",

    ["Silver Products Factory""] = "Fábrica de productos de plata",

    ["Silver Ore Mine"] = "Mina de plata",

    ["Silver Foundry"] = "Fundición de plata",

    ["Slag"] = "Escoria",

    ["Soft Drinks"] = "Refrescos",

    ["Soft Drinks Factory"] = "Fábrica de Refrescos",

    ["Sugar"] = "Azúcar",

    ["Sugarcane"] = "Caña de azúcar",

    ["Sugarcane Plantation"] = "Plantación de caña azucarera",

    ["Sugar Farm"] = "Granja azucarera",

    ["Sulphur"] = "Azufre",

    ["Sulphur Quarry"] = "Cantera de azufre",

    ["Synthetic Rubber"] = "Caucho sintético",

    ["Synthetic Rubber Factory"] = "Fábrica de caucho sintético",

    ["Textiles"] = "Textiles",

    ["Textile Mill"] = "Fábrica textil",

    ["Tobacco"] = "Tobaco",

    ["Tobacco Plantation"] = "Plantación de tabaco",

    ["Toropical Food Factory"] = "Fábrica de alimentos tropicales",

    ["Tyre Factory"] = "Fábrica de neumáticos",

    ["Tyres"] = "Llantas",

    ["Unsorted Mail"] = "Correo sin clasificar",

    ["Vineyard (White)"] = "Viñedo (Blancos)",

    ["Vineyard (Red)"] = "Viñedo (Tintos)",

    ["War Material Factory"] = "Fábrica de explosivos"",

    ["Waste Water"] = "Aguas negras",

    ["Water"] = "Agua",

    ["Waterworks"] = "Depuradora de aguas",

    ["White Wine"] = "Vino blanco",

    ["White Winery"] = "Bodega Blanca",

    ["Wool"] = "Lana",

    ["Zinc"] = "Zinc",

    ["Zinc Mine"] = "Minería de zinc",

  • Here is the complete German translation, please feel free to correct any mistakes:

    de = {

    ["Acid"] = "Säure",

    ["Acid Plant"] = "Säurefabrik",

    ["Advanced Construction Plant"] = "Fortgeschrittene Baumaterialfabrik",

    ["Advanced Steel Mill"] = "Fortschrittliches Stahlwerk",

    ["Alcohol Distillery"] = "Brennerei",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks"] = "Alkoholische getränke",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks Factory"] = "Alkoholische Getränkefabrik",

    ["Aluminium"] = "Aluminium",

    ["Aluminium Smelting Plant"] = "Aluminiumhütte",

    ["Appliances"] = "Haushaltsgeräte",

    ["Appliances Factory"] = "Gerätefabrik",

    ["Asphalt"] = "Asphalt",

    ["Asphalt Factory"] = "Asphaltfabrik",

    ["Bakery"] = "Bäckerei",

    ["Banana Plantation"] = "Bananenplantage",

    ["Bananas"] = "Bananen",

    ["Basalt"] = "Basalt",

    ["Basalt Quarry"] = "Basaltsteinbruch",

    ["Batteries"] = "Batterien",

    ["Battery Factory"] = "Batteriefabrik",

    ["Bauxite"] = "Bauxit",

    ["Bauxite Mine"] = "Bauxitmine",

    ["Beer"] = "Bier",

    ["Bread"] = "Brot",

    ["Brewery"] = "Brauerei",

    ["Canned Food"] = "Konservennahrung",

    ["Cannery"] = "Konservenfabrik",

    ["Cardboard"] = "Karton",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Kartonfabrik",

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Kartonfabrik",

    ["Cartons"] = "Kartons",

    ["Cars"] = "Autos",

    ["Car Factory"] = "Autofabrik",

    ["Cement"] = "Zement",

    ["Cement Factory"] = "Zementwerk",

    ["Chalk"] = "Kreide",

    ["Chalk Mine"] = "Kreidemine",

    ["Champagne"] = "Champagner",

    ["Champagne Factory"] = "Champagner-Kelterei",

    ["Cheese"] = "Käse",

    ["Cheese Factory"] = "Käserei",

    ["Chocolate"] = "Schokolade",

    ["Chocolate Factory"] = "Schokoladenfabrik",

    ["Cigar Factory"] = "Zigarrenmanufaktur",

    ["Cigars"] = "Zigarren",

    ["Cigarettes"] = "Zigaretten",

    ["Cigarette Factory"] = "Zigarettenfabrik",

    ["Clay"] = "Ton",

    ["Clay Pit"] = "Tongrube",

    ["Clothes"] = "Kleidung",

    ["Clothes Factory"] = "Kleiderfabrik",

    ["Cocoabeans"] = "Kakaobohnen",

    ["Cocoa Plantation"] = "Kakaoplantage",

    ["Coconut Plantation"] = "Kokosnussplantage",

    ["Coconuts"] = "Kokosnüsse",

    ["Coffee"] = "Kaffee",

    ["Coffee Farm"] = "Kaffeeplantage",

    ["Coffee Processing Plant"] = "Kaffeerösterei",

    ["Concrete"] = "Beton",

    ["Concrete Factory"] = "Betonwerk",

    ["Copper"] = "Kupfer",

    ["Copper Ore"] = "Kupfererz",

    ["Copper Ore Mine"] = "Kupfermine",

    ["Copper Foundry"] = "Kupferschmelze",

    ["Cotton"] = "Baumwolle",

    ["Cotton Plantation"] = "Baumwollplantage",

    ["Dairy Farm"] = "Milchbauernhof",

    ["Diamond Mine"] = "Diamantenmine",

    ["Diamonds"] = "Diamanten",

    ["Electronics"] = "Elektronik",

    ["Electronics Factory"] = "Elektronikfabrik",

    ["Emerald Mine"] = "Smaragdmine",

    ["Emeralds"] = "Smaragde",

    ["Food Factory"] = "Lebensmittelfabrik",

    ["Fruit"] = "Obst",

    ["Fruit Juice"] = "Fruchtsaft",

    ["Fruit Juice Factory"] = "Mosterei",

    ["Fruit Plantation"] = "Obstplantage",

    ["Galvanised Steel"] = "Verzinkter Stahl",

    ["Galvanised Steel Mill"] = "Verzinkten Stahlwerk",

    ["Glass"] = "Glas",

    ["Glass Factory"] = "Glasfabrik",

    ["Gold"] = "Gold",

    ["Gold Foundry"] = "Goldgießerei",

    ["Gold Products"] = "Luxusgüter",

    ["Gold Products Factory"] = "Goldschmiede",

    ["Gold Ore"] = "Golderz",

    ["Gold Ore Mine"] = "Golderzmine",

    ["Gold Smelting Plant"] = "Goldschmelze",

    ["Green Grapes"] = "Grüne Trauben",

    ["Hops"] = "Hopfen",

    ["Hops Farm"] = "Hopfenfarm",

    ["Limestone"] = "Kalkstein",

    ["Limestone Quarry"] = "Kalksteinbruch",

    ["Livestock"] = "Vieh",

    ["Livestock Farm"] = "Viehzuchtbetrieb",

    ["Lubricants"] = "Schmiermittel",

    ["Lubricants Refinery"] = "Schmiermittelraffinerie",

    ["Mail"] = "Post",

    ["Marble Quarry"] = "Marmorsteinbruch",

    ["Marble"] = "Marmor",

    ["Meat"] = "Fleisch",

    ["Meat Processing Plant"] = "Schlachthof",

    ["Milk"] = "Milch",

    ["Oil Sand"] = "Ölsand",

    ["Oil Sand Mine"] = "Ölsandtagebau",

    ["Paper Mill"] = "Papierfabrik",

    ["Paper"] = "Papier",

    ["Pineapple Plantation"] = "Ananasplantage",

    ["Pineapples"] = "Ananas",

    ["Post Office"] = "Postamt",

    ["Potash"] = "Pottasche",

    ["Potash Mine"] = "Kalibergwerk",

    ["Pulp"] = "Zellstoff",

    ["Pulp Mill"] = "Zellstofffabrik",

    ["Quartzite"] = "Quarzit",

    ["Quartzite Quarry"] = "Quarzit-Steinbruch",

    ["Recycling Plant"] = "Recycling-Anlage",

    ["Red Grapes"] = "Rote Trauben",

    ["Red Wine"] = "Rotwein",

    ["Red Winery"] = "Rotweinkellerei",

    ["Rubber"] = "Gummi",

    ["Rubber Plantation"] = "Gummiplantage",

    ["Ruby Mine"] = "Rubinmine",

    ["Rubies"] = "Rubine",

    ["Rum"] = "Rum",

    ["Rum Distillery"] = "Rumbrennerei",

    ["Salt"] = "Salz",

    ["Salt Mine"] = "Salzbergwerk",

    ["Sand"] = "Sand",

    ["Sand Quarry"] = "Sandsteinbruch",

    ["Sandstone"] = "Sandstein",

    ["Sandstone Quarry"] = "Sandsteinbruch",

    ["Saphire Mine"] = "Saphirmine",

    ["Saphires"] = "Saphire",

    ["Separation Plant"] = "Trennanlage",

    ["Sheep Farm"] = "Schafzucht",

    ["Silicon"] = "Silizium",

    ["Silicon Refinery"] = "Siliziumraffinerie",

    ["Silver"] = "Silber",

    ["Silver"] = "Silbergießerei",

    ["Silver Products"] = "Silberprodukte",

    ["Silver Products Factory"] = "Silberproduktfabrik",

    ["Silver Ore Mine"] = "Silbermine",

    ["Silver Foundry"] = "Silberschmelze",

    ["Slag"] = "Schlacke",

    ["Soft Drinks"] = "Alkoholfreie Getränke",

    ["Soft Drinks Factory"] = "Getränkefabrik",

    ["Sugar"] = "Zucker",

    ["Sugarcane"] = "Zuckerrohr",

    ["Sugarcane Plantation"] = "Zuckerrohrplantage",

    ["Sugar Farm"] = "Zuckerrohrplantage",

    ["Sulphur"] = "Schwefel",

    ["Sulphur Quarry"] = "Schwefelmine",

    ["Synthetic Rubber"] = "Synthesekautschuk",

    ["Synthetic Rubber Factory"] = "Fabrik für synthetischen Kautschuk",

    ["Textiles"] = "Textilien",

    ["Textile Mill"] = "Textilfabrik",

    ["Tobacco"] = "Tabak",

    ["Tobacco Plantation"] = "Tabakplantage",

    ["Tropical Food Factory"] = "Tropische Lebensmittelfabrik",

    ["Tyres"] = "Reifen",

    ["Tyre Factory"] = "Reifenfabrik",

    ["Unsorted Mail"] = "Unsortierte Post",

    ["Vineyard (White)"] = "Weinberg (Weiß)",

    ["Vineyard (Red)"] = "Weinberg (Rot)",

    ["War Material Factory"] = "Sprengstofffabrik",

    ["Waste Water"] = "Abwasser",

    ["Water"] = "Wasser",

    ["Waterworks"] = "Wasserwerk",

    ["White Wine"] = "Weißwein",

    ["White Winery"] = "Weißweinkellerei",

    ["Wool"] = "Wolle",

    ["Zinc"] = "Zink",

    ["Zinc Mine"] = "Zinkmine",


  • ["Silver Products Factory"] = "Silberproduktfabrik", - that grates the ear a little. "Silberschmiede" = silver smithy might be better.

    ["Galvanised Steel Mill"] = "Verzinkten Stahlwerk", - same. I´d suggest "Verzinkerei" - roughly "steel zinc coating plant"

    ["Cardboard"] = "Karton",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Kartonfabrik",

    , but

    ["Cartons"] = "Karton",

    ["Carton factory"] = "Kartonfabrik",

    A little differentiation might be in order. Plain thick paper would be "Pappe", while the package made from it can indeed go by "Karton" but can also carry a more generic name of "Verpackung" that can mean anything ranging from general packaging and cardboard boxes to wooden crates. Therefore, I´d suggest "

    ["Cardboard"] = "Pappe",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Fabrik für Pappe",

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Verpackungsfabrik",

    ["Cartons"] = "Verpackungen",

    Just coming across this here:

    ["Appliances Factory"] = "Electrodomésticos de fábrica", = Appliances of the factory. Consider "fábrica de electrodomésticos" instead.

  • I would translate it like this:

    ["Cardboard"] = "Karton",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Kartonfabrik",

    ["Cartons"] = "Kartonagen",

    ["Carton factory"] = "Kartonagenfabrik".

    ["Sand Quarry"] = "Sandsteinbruch", thats more like sandstone mine, i´d use "Sandgrube".

    ["Galvanised Steel Mill"] "Verzinkerei" is a good word i think.

    ["Separation Plant"] = "Trennanlage", yeah, no! :D Meaningwise it´s correct, but i think the oilsand seperation plant hat a very specific name in german too, but it won´t come to my mind at the moment...

  • Hi Philipsz , again about spanish translation :)

    I found a couple of minor errors in the Spanish list.

    ["Appliances"] = "Accesorios", -> "Electrodomésticos"

    ["Appliances Factory"] = "Electrodomésticos de fábrica", -> "Fábrica de electrodomésticos" o "Fábrica de accesorios"

    "Accesorios" is a term with many meanings in Spanish. A belt, a handbag or a television, they are all accessories. If you're thinking about TV-type things, it's best to use "Electrodomésticos." If you mean everything else, "Accesorios".

    ["Canned Food"] = "omida en conserva", -> "Comida en conserva" (Typo)

    ["Cardboard"] = "Cartonajes",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Fábrica de Cartón", -> Must be "Fábrica de cartonajes" if "Cardboard" is "Cartonajes"

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Fábrica de cartonajes", -> Must be "Fábrica de cartones" if "Cartons" are "Cartones"

    ["Cartons"] = "Cartones",

    ["Cement"] = "Camento", -> "Cemento" (Typo)

    ["Electronics Factory"] = "Fábrica Electrónica", -> "Fábrica de electrónica"

    ["Pulp"] = "Pulpa", -> "Celulosa"

    ["Pulp Mill"] = "Fábrica de pulpa", -> "Planta de celulosa"

    ["Red Winery"] = "Bodega Tinta", -> "Bodega de Tintos"

    ["Tobacco"] = "Tobaco",-> "Tabaco"

    ["Tyre Factory"] = "Fábrica de neumáticos",

    ["Tyres"] = "Llantas", -> If you choose at the factory for "Tyres" the term "Neumáticos" (that's okay), then it is better to use "Neumáticos" instead of "rims"(llantas)

    ["White Winery"] = "Bodega Blanca" -> "Bodega de Blancos"

    I've seen your photos of the mod. It looks sensational! :thumbup:

  • Here is my first attempt at the French translation, anyone native French speakers who can help?

    fr = {

    ["Acid"] = "Acide",

    ["Acid Plant"] = "Usine d'acide",

    ["Advanced Construction Plant"] = "Usine de matériaux de construction avancée",

    ["Advanced Steel Mill"] = "Aciérie avancée",

    ["Alcohol Distillery"] = "Distillerie d'alcool",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks"] = "Boissons alcoolisées",

    ["Alcoholic Drinks Factory"] = "Usine de boissons alcoolisées",

    ["Aluminium"] = "Aluminium",

    ["Aluminium Smelting Plant"] = "Usine de fusion d'aluminium",

    ["Appliances"] = "appareils électroménagers",

    ["Appliances Factory"] = "Usine d'appareils électroménagers",

    ["Asphalt"] = "Asphalte",

    ["Asphalt Factory"] = "Usine d'asphalte",

    ["Bakery"] = "Boulangerie",

    ["Banana Plantation"] = "Bananeraie",

    ["Bananas"] = "Bananes",

    ["Basalt"] = "Basalte",

    ["Basalt Quarry"] = "Carrière de basalte",

    ["Batteries"] = "Batteries",

    ["Battery Factory"] = "Usine de batteries",

    ["Bauxite"] = "Bauxite",

    ["Bauxite Mine"] = "Mine de bauxite",

    ["Beer"] = "Bière",

    ["Bread"] = "Pain",

    ["Brewery"] = "Brasserie",

    ["Canned Food"] = "Nourriture en boîte",

    ["Cannery"] = "Conserverie",

    ["Cardboard"] = "Papier carton",

    ["Cardboard Factory"] = "Usine de carton",

    ["Carton Factory"] = "Usine de carton",

    ["Cartons"] = "Cartons",

    ["Cars"] = "Voitures",

    ["Car Factory"] = "Usine automobile",

    ["Cement"] = "Ciment",

    ["Cement Factory"] = "Usine de ciment",

    ["Chalk"] = "Craie",

    ["Chalk Mine"] = "Mine de craie",

    ["Champagne"] = "Champagne",

    ["Champagne Factory"] = "Fabrique de Champagne",

    ["Cheese"] = "Fromage",

    ["Cheese Factory"] = "Fabrique de fromage",

    ["Chocolate"] = "Chocolat",

    ["Chocolate Factory"] = "Chocolaterie",

    ["Cigar Factory"] = "Fabrique de cigares",

    ["Cigars"] = "Cigares",

    ["Cigarette Factory"] = "Usine de cigarettes",

    ["Cigarettes"] = "Cigarettes",

    ["Clay"] = "Argile",

    ["Clay Pit"] = "Fosse d'argile",

    ["Clothes"] = "Vêtements",

    ["Clothes Factory"] = "Usine de vêtements",

    ["Cocoabeans"] = "Les fèves de cacao",

    ["Cocoa Plantation"] = "Plantation de cacao",

    ["Coconut Plantation"] = "Plantation de noix de coco",

    ["Coconuts"] = "Noix de coco",

    ["Coffee"] = "Café",

    ["Coffee Farm"] = "Ferme de café",

    ["Coffee Processing Plant"] = "Usine de transformation du café",

    ["Concrete"] = "Béton",

    ["Concrete Factory"] = "Usine de béton",

    ["Copper"] = "Cuivre",

    ["Copper Ore"] = "Minerai de cuivre",

    ["Copper Ore Mine"] = "Mine de minerai de cuivre",

    ["Copper Foundry"] = "Usine de fusion de cuivre",

    ["Cotton"] = "Coton",

    ["Cotton Plantation"] = "Plantation de coton",

    ["Dairy Farm"] = "Ferme laitière",

    ["Diamond Mine"] = "Mine de diamant",

    ["Diamonds"] = "Diamants",

    ["Electronics"] = "Électronique",

    ["Electronics Factory"] = "Usine d'électronique",

    ["Emerald Mine"] = "Mine d'émeraude",

    ["Emeralds"] = "Émeraudes",

    ["Food Factory"] = "Usine alimentaire",

    ["Fruit"] = "Fruit",

    ["Fruit Juice"] = "Jus de fruit",

    ["Fruit Juice Factory"] = "Usine de jus de fruits",

    ["Fruit Plantation"] = "Plantation de fruits",

    ["Galvanised Steel"] = "Acier galvanisé",

    ["Galvanised Steel Mill"] = "Aciérie galvanisée",

    ["Glass"] = "Verre",

    ["Glass Factory"] = "Usine de verre",

    ["Gold"] = "Or",

    ["Gold Products"] = "Produits en or",

    ["Gold Products Factory"] = "Usine de produits en or",

    ["Gold Ore"] = "Le minerai d'or",

    ["Gold Ore Mine"] = "Mine de minerai d'or",

    ["Gold Foundry"] = "Usine de fusion d'or",

    ["Green Grapes"] = "Raisins verts",

    ["Hops"] = "Houblon",

    ["Hops Farm"] = "La ferme du houblon",

    ["Limestone"] = "Calcaire",

    ["Limestone Quarry"] = "Carrière de calcaire",

    ["Livestock"] = "Bétail",

    ["Livestock Farm"] = "Ferme d'élevage",

    ["Lubricants"] = "Lubrifiants",

    ["Lubricants Refinery"] = "Raffinerie de lubrifiants",

    ["Mail"] = "Poste",

    ["Marble Quarry"] = "Carrière de marbre",

    ["Marble"] = "Marbre",

    ["Meat"] = "Viande",

    ["Meat Processing Plant"] = "Usine de traitement de la viande",

    ["Milk"] = "Lait",

    ["Oil Sand"] = "Sable bitumineux",

    ["Oil Sand Mine"] = "Mine de sable bitumineux",

    ["Paper Mill"] = "Papeterie",

    ["Paper"] = "Papier",

    ["Pineapple Plantation"] = "Plantation d'ananas",

    ["Pineapples"] = "Ananas",

    ["Post Office"] = "Bureau de poste",

    ["Potash"] = "Potasse",

    ["Potash Mine"] = "Mine de potasse",

    ["Pulp"] = "Pâte à papier",

    ["Pulp Mill"] = "Usine de pâte à papier",

    ["Quartzite"] = "Quarzite",

    ["Quartzite Quarry"] = "Carrière de quartzite",

    ["Recycling Plant"] = "Centre de recyclage",

    ["Red Grapes"] = "Raisins rouges",

    ["Red Wine"] = "Vin rouge",

    ["Red Winery"] = "Cave rouge",

    ["Rubber"] = "Caoutchouc",

    ["Rubber Plantation"] = "Plantation de caoutchouc",

    ["Ruby Mine"] = "Mine de rubis",

    ["Rubies"] = "Rubis",

    ["Rum"] = "Rhum",

    ["Rum Distillery"] = "Distillerie de rhum",

    ["Salt"] = "Sel",

    ["Salt Mine"] = "Mine de sel",

    ["Sand"] = "Sable",

    ["Sand Quarry"] = "Carrière de sable",

    ["Sandstone"] = "Grès",

    ["Sandstone Quarry"] = "Carrière de grès",

    ["Saphire Mine"] = "Mine de saphir",

    ["Saphires"] = "Saphirs",

    ["Separation Plant"] = "Usine de séparation",

    ["Sheep Farm"] = "Ferme de moutons",

    ["Silicon"] = "Silicium",

    ["Silicon Refinery"] = "Raffinerie de silicium",

    ["Silver"] = "Argent",

    ["Silver Products"] = "Produits en argent",

    ["Silver Products Factory"] = "Usine de produits en argent",

    ["Silver Ore Mine"] = "Mine de minerai d'argent",

    ["Silver Foundry"] = "Usine de fusion d'argent",

    ["Slag"] = "Scories",

    ["Soft Drinks"] = "Boissons non alcoolisées",

    ["Soft Drinks Factory"] = "Usine de boissons gazeuses",

    ["Sugar"] = "Sucre",

    ["Sugarcane"] = "Canne à sucre",

    ["Sugarcane Plantation"] = "Plantation de canne à sucre",

    ["Sugar Farm"] = "Ferme sucrière",

    ["Sulphur"] = "Soufre",

    ["Sulphur Quarry"] = "Carrière de soufre",

    ["Synthetic Rubber"] = "Caoutchouc synthétique",

    ["Synthetic Rubber Factory"] = "Usine de caoutchouc synthétique",

    ["Textiles"] = "Textiles",

    ["Textile Mill"] = "Usine textile",

    ["Tobacco"] = "Tabac",

    ["Tobacco Plantation"] = "Plantation de tabac",

    ["Tropical Food Factory"] = "Usine de produits alimentaires tropicaux",

    ["Tyres"] = "Pneus",

    ["Tyre Factory"] = "Usine de pneus",

    ["Unsorted Mail"] = "Courrier non trié",

    ["Vineyard (White)"] = "Vignoble (Blanc)",

    ["Vineyard (Red)"] = "Vignoble (Rouge)",

    ["War Material Factory"] = "Usine de matériel de guerre",

    ["Waste Water"] = "Eaux usées",

    ["Water"] = "Eau",

    ["Waterworks"] = "Aqueduc",

    ["White Wine"] = "Vin blanc",

    ["White Winery"] = "Cave blanche",

    ["Wool"] = "Laine",

    ["Zinc"] = "Zinc",

    ["Zinc Mine"] = "Mine de zinc",

