Beiträge von Swesim

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    Können Sie vor das release des Nordusches DLC die baujahren für das Schwedische Rc-lokomotiv verlängern so das es ist verfügbahr von 1967 bis weiter?
    Das Rc ist vieder hier in Schweden braucht und glaublich viele jahren mehr.

    Since I am not very good at german I take it in Enlgish as well:
    I would like to change/extend the available time for the Swedish Rc in the Nordic DLC so that it is available from 1967 and onwards like the EL17 since the Rc locomotives are still wiedly used in here in Sweden and are likely to be used for many years to come.

    I tried to open the modlist and that is how I found out that several mods that I started with are no longer activated.
    Among the available but not activated mods none are highlighted in red, but the start option is greyed out, so I can´t even try to start the saved game.
    I deleted the save and started over on a new game with the Nordic DLC and that seems to work, so hopefully it was just some temporary problem.

    I know that it is just a BETA, but I am missing goodswaggons for trains when I started the DLC in 1900.
    I haven't played the DLC for so long yet, but shouldn´t there be at least the vanilla goodscarriage available from start?

    I tried to open the game I saved with the Nordic DLC last night, but it says that several mods are missing to start the game.
    I looked at the built in modmanager and realized that several of the mods I started with last night were no longer activated.

    It would be very helpful if You could get some indication to what mods are actually missing since I use quite a lot of mods when playing.
    Is it possible to get this indication or is it a question for the developers?

    Wonderful work guys!
    I am very much looking forward to seeing them in game eventually!
    The Rc wouldn´t be complete without AntonTorstensson´s coaches, so a large thanks for that one!

    OlaHaldor: will there be any variations to the EL13 and B3-coaches? I am thinking that it would be nice to see the red/yellow/black livery on those models.
    I tried to figure out how to paint the waggons by opening GIMP, but realized that I have to read some sort of guide like "repaint for dummies" or something... :D

    I just found this thread which I found extremely interesting.
    The "problem" with the Nordic countries is that most vehicles are built for each country in relatively small series compared to German manufacturers.
    Here are some models that I would like to see in the game:

    Scania Vabis Capitol, a bus built in 1955-1964 and widely used in Stockholm and some other cities in Sweden until the early 1980s.
    Volvo B58 widely used in Sweden from 1967 until the late 1980s.
    Scania CN112/113 built in 1977-1999 and used until recently in several Nordic cities and is still used in various parts of the former USSR. There was also a US-version of the bus built in 1983-1990.
    Volvo B10M (1990-2003) widely used in all the nordic countries.
    Volvo 8500, a bustype built from 2003 until 2010 and are used in most of the Nordic countries today, contact me if You need blueprints for this model.
    The existing ingame Volvo 5000 can be used with some repaints in approximately the same timespan as the B10M.

    Horsedrawn tram built in 1877-1881 and used until the early 1900s.
    Type A1, a tram built in 1903-1904 and used until the mid 1960s.
    Tram type "Mustang" widely used in Sweden and in Oslo Norway from the late 1940s until the late 1960s.
    Gothenburg type M25/M28/M29, a tramtype built from the early 1960s until 1972 and are still in use today. In the late 1990s they could also be found in Oslo, Norway.


    Several of the most used models are already covered as far as I could read.
    However there is a version of the DB class 420 EMU that could be used with just a repaint as X420 used in Stockholm after being obsolete in Germany.
    I would love to see a few railcars that were used in Sweden during the mid 1900s though, Y6/Y7 and the Y1.

    These buses are wonderful adittions to the game and I use them a lot on my routes.
    I have to agree that they are sometimes a bit cheap to run, but I suppose it is balanced by the higher purchaseprice.
    The Bertioga is one of the most useful vehicles in the game as it closes the gap between the vanilla buses and have a highier top speed.

    Keep up the good work!

    Is it just me or is anyone else having the problem that the trucks don´t accept getreide after the Opel truck?
    It is sometimes overly expensive to build a whole railway line and a train just to be able to transport it...


    Entschuldigen Sie mein slechte deutsch, aber Ich habe ein wüncsh für die Skandinavischen spieler/nutzer:

    Können Jemand die Swedische Rc oder Österreichische BR 1043 machen?

    Sie können bei Wikipedia und das digitale eisenbahn fotoarchiv infos finden, zum beispiel dieses typenskizzen für ÖBB BR 1043.
    ASEA baute diese lokos für Schweden (Rc), Norwegen (EL16), Österreich (BR 1043) und USA (AEM-7), so mann kann also verschiedene varianten machen ob man will.
    Ich weiss das diese lokos (am mindestens die europäische) existiert in MSTS, so 3D-modellen sollte in forumen dafür finden?

    Danke schön!