Beiträge von meki

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    some other thing to note
    wen i restart my pc the game instantly closes without even opening a window
    i need to select proton and then deactivate it again which gives me a 44mb download and i have to do that every time i restart the pc

     Requested instance extensions:

    - VK_KHR_surface

    - VK_KHR_xlib_surface

    - VK_EXT_debug_utils

    - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2

    Requested layers:

    - VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation

    Vulkan DEBUG mode ON

    Create Vulkan instance.

    [31m[ERROR: GENERAL]: [0m

    - Objects 1:

    Object 0: 0x68080b0 of type Instance

    setupLoaderTermPhysDevs: Failed to detect any valid GPUs in the current config



    [31m[ERROR: GENERAL]: [0m

    - Objects 1:

    Object 0: 0x68080b0 of type Instance

    setupLoaderTrampPhysDevs: Failed during dispatch call of 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices' to lower layers or loader to get count.



    __CRASHDB_DUMP__ a5560063-3416-42a1-ed65229f-dcc642e1<span id="selection-marker-1" class="redactor-selection-marker woltlab-bbcode-marker"></span>    

    get this error in stdout.txt
    vulkan with proton works without that error
    gpu is rx7900xt vulkan instance 1.3.268 same error with 1.3.206
    mesa oibaf 24
    and no there isnt a second igpu

    The new X2000 will also be included. But the only custom sound effects I do is horn and door opening/closing sounds. The engine sound will be the standard TF2 sound.


    Some other thing isn't that the same pantograph used by Modern rc

    lokomotives? Rc7 and rc6 what I know of And if it is could those Versions be added as well?

    Ja das ist leider ein schwer lösbares Problem

    Intressant ist ich Spiele auf Linux

    Proton Experimental geht nicht

    Proton 8 ruckelt Extrem und hat keine fps

    Proton 7 ruckelt manchmal alle 5-10 Sekunden teilweiße kan man die Uhr nach den rucklern stellen

    Aber meistens läuft es auch flüssig ohne Probleme (wo bleiben die 50x50 und 100x100 Karten) mal abgesehen von kleinen ruckler beim raus und rein Zoomen

    Linux native läuft glaub ich auch nicht

    Alles mit Vulkan (OpenGL sollte nichtmehr verwendet Werden außer die Grafikkarte kann kein Vulkan)

    Generelle spiel Verbesserung

    Cpu ram Grafikkarte (VRAM) hdd→ssd Grafikkarte gpu

    Ungefär die Reinfolge

    Könnte jemand mit einem 10 kern oder mehr cpu testen wie die Auslastung über die Kerne ist ?

    Doppelpost zusammengefügt. Bitte Forenregeln beachten!

    amazing to see a proper x2000 in the works sadly it will not be a very good train for transport fever with its tiny maps even when taking the 25x25km
    because its acceleration is .... not good even for Swedish standards has far has game physics are concerned even rb/rc locos would be better if they could match the top speed rc7 maybe
    i which we had larger maps so the Swedish trains can use their superior top speed to horse power ratio

    other swedish trains i found…iledetails/?id=2271776649 y1 railbus

    below need repaints or even overhauls but i guess better than starting from zero DONT FORGET TO ASK MOD OWNER FOR PERMISSION.…id=2272184062&searchtext= danish mf kustpilen y2
    there is also the electrical version of it which looks like the Swedish x31
    but the x31 is apparently a lot closer to the regina x50-x55 (Bo'Bo'+2'2'+Bo'Bo' bogies look also very simular) than it is to the danish er class (which uses Jacobs bogies Bo'2'2'2'Bo')…id=2125941727&searchtext= x2000…iledetails/?id=2079110546 Norwegian x74 mtr express equivalent

    something extra not a train but if someone needs a stockholms commuter bus…iledetails/?id=2018680657

    and the game is not starting again no idea what is going on. last time it started just fine 3 times of 3 now it crashed once at 4% and 23% and at least 3 times on 70%

    ps looks like i found the issue PROTON 7 runs great 8 leading to this error, experimental lagging


    • stdout.txt

      (116,53 kB, 60 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    ok game is running again despite that i didnt change anything. but its now running way less smooth fps are around 20-40 but its stuttering very hardly gpu and cpu usage is less than 40% (even on a per core basis)

    also i am blind or something cant find the view distance setting

    game doas crash on loading i tried to play transport fever 2 today and it fails to load i didnt change anything and it worked wen i left it a few days ago but now it just crashes at 23% or 70% musik just stops and then i get stopped responding msg
    other notes i am playing on linux wen i did use wayland the entire steam page locked up aswell but with x11 it dosent

    Did try older save files on a different map same results but at 36%


    • stdout.txt

      (116,48 kB, 52 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )