Wow! Great idea, insane project! 😍
Bko mods - mainly road vehicles, occasionally other stuff
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Update for the Range Rover, adding the horse trailer, is now available.
Die Idee klingt Super .. aber aus eigener Erfahrung heraus kann ich dir sagen.. Du steckst zu viel Zeit und Arbeit rein und kaum einer wird das System verstehen und umsetzen können.
Man sieht es ja an meinen Landmaschinen, kaum einer nutzt die Industrieabhängigkeit, weil sie einfach zu komplex ist. Oder zumindest erscheint sie zu komplex.
Was ich dir eher empfehlen könnte, wäre eine Abhängigkeit als Depot. Der Türen Trigger funktioniert auch für das Feuer. die Animation könnte man in Form von zeitabhängiger Animation machen.
also (Tür geschlossen) = Feuer an
und (Tür offen) = Feuer aus
Das würde dann so ablaufen:
Das Feuer brennt -> Fahrzeug kommt an und Tür öffnet ( eine zeitliche Verzögerung für das öffnen von ca. 10sekunden. bis das Feuer ausgeht.) -> Fahrzeug fährt weg und die Tür schließt sich (eine zeitliche Verzögerung ca 3minuten bis das Feuer wieder angeht)
Das brennen hab ich tatsächlich auch eine Idee, ich hab da auch noch was mit Feuer geplant was wohl ähnlich funktionieren wird wie meine Wasseranimationen
Rico S. It's always a danger that players don't get the intended working of a mod, I fear the majority of players will just hit the Download/Subscribe button based purely on title and some images. For that reason I always make my catalogue images. Users who don't read the description and dependencies will simply not find all features a mod offers, that's never something to feel bad about as a modder, it's just too bad for them . The #1 user to please is always yourself. Perhaps if they watch a video like PeterLustig makes them they'll learn there's more to explore.
Thanks for the tip, food for thought. First I'll update the models and make them into one mod. As I wrote; will need to see if I will really start to give it a shot, plenty more ideas. But something tells me this idea will keep playing in my mind...
An alternative I already saw was to make it a little bit like a 'click button action', by giving the industry multiple levels a user can (in sandbox) then manually set it to level 2 that will show the fire, and as the industry will then not be provided with the needed goods it will automatically return to level 1. That would at least work in sand-box mode.
Die Ideen und Ansätze klingen auf jeden Fall alle technisch Nachvollziehbar.
Wenn die Geduld und Motivation Groß genug ist, dann sollte dieses Projekt auf jeden Fall funktionieren.
For tonight I'm planning to do some work on the Range Rovers again, it's time to proceed on the dispatch vehicles. First the Dutch.
Only I now find by accident an image of a Dutch police Range with a Westfalia horse trailer ... hmm I hadn't planned that ...
So now the question is should I include it ... The article mentions it could be a one time photo moment for which this combination was setup,…-70-yb-alex-1411-01/#main
So far I was able to resist including trailers for the NL dispatch pack. It's looking to contain 8 vehicles (times 2 as they will be in dispatch and normal drive modes).
For tonight I'm planning to do some work on the Range Rovers again, it's time to proceed on the dispatch vehicles. First the Dutch.
Only I now find by accident an image of a Dutch police Range with a Westfalia horse trailer ... hmm I hadn't planned that ...
So now the question is should I include it ... The article mentions it could be a one time photo moment for which this combination was setup,…-70-yb-alex-1411-01/#main
Even if it was a one time occasion, staged or not, it did happen, so why wouldn't you include it?
Personally I like the look of the Range Rover with trailer
I created quite some extra work for myself, but luckily modding doesn't feel like working
The Dutch Range Rover dispatch pack is almost finished, only the mod description is to do.
Meanwhile I already updated the base mod to include a few additional files that will be required for the coming repaints.
I also found a minor error, being that the tennis ball was also being placed when choosing a solo horse trailer.
Version 1.13 is now available:
Ja es ist die Schweizer Kanton Polizei -
found this one
Gendarmerie Belgie
The asset guide is about the only thing to do for the Dutch dispatch pack of the Range.
Meanwhile the UK set has also got the basics for the asset done, it will be a simpler one as here I won't include any trailers.
The line-up has 6 cars, including the Hong Kong version;
It's a ...
Coming soon!
Hope you'll enjoy it.
Whilst uploading to Steam I noted the preview image for the Dutch dispatch Range was incorrect, I think I forgot to hit a save button.
I've updated the mod in the filebase to put that dot on the i and for consistency. But honestly there's no need to update if you already downloaded it.
The version is still 1.0
An update for my Remote Airfields is now available
It's adding closer by airfields at 10 and 20km and also lower capacity settings for the passenger version.
Also the .tga glass textures now got replaced by .dds files.
uhhh, exiting! time for some General Aviation
At the moment I've got quite a few projects in progress. @UrbanGames gave me a lot of work... LOL no of course I did this myself.
I'm working on making some of my mods available for consol users, so I need to get rid of all the brand references.
But introducing a new car brand is easier said than done especially when I want to deliver quality as usual and ensure nobody may experience issues also when the consol version is loaded by a PC user who also has the standard mods active.
Hope you like my logo
I want to ask for your creative help, obviously the brands need to be removed and renamed. For some I have ideas, e.g. 'Alfa Romeo' will become 'Bko Italiano', Audi is going to be 'Bko Union', Volvo will be 'Bko Jagrullar' and Toyota 'Bko Loom'... If you have a nice idea how to rename other brands from my Cars of the nineties please make your suggestions.