[TFGM] Train Fever Game Manager

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  • Yep it was agreed with UG that a new line is added to the info.lua of a mod/dlc that specifically marks it as a dlc/mod so the Gamemanagers could differintiate between those and would be able to install it accordingly.
    But TFMM is developed by Xanos who is a Siteadmin. Shamed be he who thinks evil of it.

  • No a mod can't be turned into a DLC (at this point) because each DLC's name has to be hard coded in TF.
    The missing line was just a way to tell a mod manager that it needs to be installed as a DLC (different handling).
    UG did open up for interpretation that it might be possible in the future to add DLC:s without hardcoding them into TF and for this, this single line would do the trick.

  • Das ist so nicht korrekt DofD. Ich weiß nicht, wo du solche Informationen her hast. Es gibt keine offizielle Ankündigung von Urban Games dazu noch nutzt das Spiel solch eine Zeile in der info.lua. Da es nicht möglich ist beliebige Mods als DLC zu installieren, würde solch ein Eintrag eher zu Fehlern bei der Installation führen. Das Nordische DLC ist wie auch das USA DLC fest in die EXE integriert (D.h. es ist hardcoded.)

    Zudem habe ich versucht, Gwinda das zu erklären. Scheinbar kam es da aber aufgrund der Sprachbarriere zu Missverständnissen. Grundsätzlich möchte ich, daß das DLC mit beiden Modmanagern funktioniert. Dazu ist es unabdinglich, daß man Lösungen untereinander abspricht.

    Ansonsten bitte solche Unterstellungen unterlassen. Danke.

  • @DofD TFMM is just doing the same thing the game does: identifying the DLC based on its ID and nothing else.
    Everybody has the right to do the same thing, no one is stopping gwinda from doing it and noone can dictate the creators of the DLC to use any other method of identifying their work. So where is the problem here? ... -_-

  • @Xanos, you where included in the mail conversation with UG and didn't object at all at that point. I went on and implemented what was agreed upon from that conversation.
    Then you decided to not follow what was agreed upon, and that is fine! But no one told me that this was changed and that is what bothers me, and I'm one of the DLC creators too! I would appreciate if I was included in the loop too, as I include you in format decisions/suggestions with UG...

    Now, enough said about this, I just got a bit frustrated being left out.

  • As far as I know you should have had access to the DLC all the time as you are a creator. I did not have access until my manager supported it, which was a condition by the mediziner.
    Being a moderator does not bring any special rights or whatsoever. I did not contribute to the DLC soni had no access ;)
    The email conversion was long before I did any integration at which point I simply asked if such tag will be included in the info.lua or not. And as it was not stated that such tag will be present nor it was in the test file I got for verification I did not saw any reason at all too include support for such tag and simply did not do it.
    I did check my mail sent in September and I did state that tfmm will only use the name.
    I'm sorry if you feel left out but in don't really see at which point we missleaded you :(

  • Now this discussion, I did not really want.

    Why you not just add the one line into the info.lua? The TFMM is ignore them, because he does not know them and TFGM know what to do and everyone is happy again?

  • Release - 1430
    Merry x-mas, here are some quick fixes.

    * Added manually link update button
    * Change. Module install using the "new" progress window.
    * Added Train-Fever.net DLC format.
    * Author text field can be defined in strings.lua (with _() )
    * Fix. Broken links can't be deleted
    * Fix. Multi language strings don't copy identifier.
    * Fix. TFMM archive install broken.

    Note that DLC install/uninstall might take a little longer time than an ordinary mod.

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.
    Train Fever Game Manager

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

    @Xanos, The mail that confirmed the variable was sent from Basil 2015-09-21 with a copy to you.
    But, no big deal, I have implemented the "Train-Fever.net DLC" format too, so now TFGM supports both ;)

  • He approved that you can use it, he did not approved that I have to use it ;)
    In general, urban games allowed the use of custom properties in the info.lua way back when the file was introduced.
    I can just say again: as long as the game does not use something in the file and I do not see any benefit in using it: why should I?
    But now that everything's working its fine ;)
    By the way: merged double posting.

  • Tried to install the nordic dlc via the latest TGFM. It gets correctly installed into dlc directory but the shaders do not get installed. Do I have to install them manually when I'm using TGFM?

    After installing the nordic dlc the vehicle list of TGFM is not working any more. It shows the error "'51.5' is not a valid interger value" when I try to reload the vehicle list and the list stays empty.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • Thank you, I will copy them manually. Git is taking care of cleaning up when the final patch arrived.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • After installing the nordic dlc the vehicle list of TGFM is not working any more. It shows the error "'51.5' is not a valid interger value" when I try to reload the vehicle list and the list stays empty.

    This is a bug in TFGM. When you get the error "'...is not a valid integer value", try to restart TFGM.

    It is on my list to fix...

  • Release - 1442

    * Added units to vehicle information.
    * Added new setting under preferences: "Mark undefined strings"
    * Added scripted configuration UI to configure mods from within TFGM.
    * Fix. Strings not found in strings.lua returned empty instead of default value.
    * Fix. Progress dialog didn't updated the Title correctly.

    The biggest news are the new scripted UI for mod configuration. No need to open Lua files and to change cryptic code... Just use the UI presented in the mod's configuration tab.
    As a mod developer, you need to create the UI script to have it integrated into TFGM.

    Updated mods with the new config UI will be released shortly.

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.
    Train Fever Game Manager

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • I'm unable to register any of Bandions railway stations:

    Bahnhof "Der Düsseldorfer"
    Bahnhof 1900
    Bahnhof Viersen

    The log says:

    129 Load(C:\Users\frank\Archiv\TrainFewer\Mods\Bahnhof\bandion_ddorf50_1.zip)
    152 file = bandion_ddorf50_1.zip
    153 enabled = false
    154 hash = 00FBEA473C5F26304FD4051ED5ABF163
    159 Loading path: C:\Users\frank\Archiv\TrainFewer\Mods\Bahnhof
    196 Compiled: Ok
    3112 EXCEPTION
    3112 Message: Access violation at address 005F8740 in module 'TFGameManager.exe'. Read of address 00000008
    3112 Stack:

    I can register the brick station:

    New Station Industrie/Brickstyle

    But TGFM silently doesn't install it.

    The log says:

    2244 Brick1.2_standalone is of an unknown origin 'Plain' or type ''

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • I also suspected a faulty mod. The best solution is ofcourse to handle a faulty format if it is possible. The second best solution is an error massage that the mod is malformed and can not bei handled by TFGM. Simply doing nothing or a cryptic error message is not that great.

    I appreciate it very much that you are improving TFGM to handle even malformed mods. Thank you very much.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • Trying to register one of @Bandions stations gives a nice dialog box now telling me about the malformed mod. The attempted register then still fails:

    129 Load(C:\Users\frank\Archiv\TrainFewer\Mods\Bahnhof\bandion_bhf3_1.zip)
    152 file = bandion_bhf3_1.zip
    153 enabled = false
    154 hash = 130319D7CA41A08F44C29F7C3B202200
    159 Loading path: C:\Users\frank\Archiv\TrainFewer\Mods\Bahnhof
    196 Compiled: Ok
    3112 EXCEPTION
    3112 Message: Access violation at address 005F8740 in module 'TFGameManager.exe'. Read of address 00000008
    3112 Stack:

    279 Save to 'TFGMlog.log'
    3132 Send report manually (Help)
    196 Compiled: Ok

    I tried to send a report but I don't know if it did work. The dialog box which should show the result of the sending show only the blue icon but no result text or number.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.
