JorgeNB96 modded vehicles(and others) for TF2

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  • Ok, lets go point by point:
    1. yes, there will be FEVE trains on the future, but not made by me, but hope soon there would be some news about.
    2. I have documentation about those grain hopper wagons, so could be possible.
    3. Same as 2, but you have the short version of this wagon (Faos) on steam:…iledetails/?id=2572979562
    4. That loco is totally out of my interest, but I know that model was started by another author.

  • Today, I will introduce you a large project, the complete collection of Spanish light signaling. This mod will include models from early 20s to present. So let's start by the first Light signals use on Spain: the MZA Automatic Block signals. This system introduced on 1920 were an adaptation the North American "searchlight" signal to the MZA rules.

    1. MZA electric home signal for auto-block system (with auxiliary lamp for "overrun" departure)

    2. MZA electric diversion signal (each disc represent a direction on the track diversion)

    After the creation of RENFE, these MZA signals were repainted into a try of unificated livery

    3. MZA electric home signal for auto-block system, painted into RENFE livery.

    Since 1957 the light code for the Spanish signals were adapted to European rules (changing from white-green-red to green-yellow-red). So that the remaining MZA signals get new glass to be adapted. Many of these signals remained in used until 1980s at the Barcelona area.

    4. MZA electric home signal for auto-block system, painted into modern RENFE livery.

    In 1922, NORTE hire General Electric for the electrify some of its lines. This contract includes the electric system(including some power stations) a dozen of 3000V electric locos (NORTE 6000-6100 series, later RENFE 260/261 series) but also the creation of a electric signaling system for the company. This system became the most weird look system used on Spain, using some triangular-shaped signals.

    5. NORTE two lamps block signal, used for block sectioning.

    6. NORTE three lamps absolute block signal, used for block sectioning.

    7. NORTE four lamps absolute block signal, used as home and departure signal.

    8. NORTE four lamps absolute block signal with switch indicator, used as home signal.

    Some pics in game:

  • In the next weeks, the Renault R12 mod will be updated, adding the 1979 TS model. Also an option to choose the plates by country(choosing between France, West germany, Italy and Spain) will be added:

    Also I will prepare some service vehicles using the model:
    Barcelone Taxi:

    Bilbao taxi:

    Madrid Taxi (livery before 1985):

    Guardia Civil (road division) patrol:

    And more models are planned.

  • Cool, then let me show and explain the Dutch license plates;

    A lot can be found on Wikipedia;…plates_of_the_Netherlands

    Some Dutch sites also have good info, that I will translate.

    First image shows the history of the character combinations, the colours aren't correct though. The colours in the 2nd image are better; the plate on the top is from 1975, the 2nd one is from 1977, theoretical these should be the same colour. Best result is probably to choose something in between, the top one will in game look black, while it should be dark dark blue.

    In NL license plates are handed out in number sequence, nobody can choose their own digits. For the system first the letters are defined and then the number, meaning the first car sold in 1973 would have license plate 10-EF-20, the 2nd vehicle sold would be 10-EF-21 etc. Once 99-EF-99 is reached the next plate gets 00-EG-01.

    The system makes it possible to read from a plate when the vehicle was registered in NL. When you want to be precise, below the image I included which letters were used in which years (source: ). Some letter combinations are reserved for special use and hence missing in the table. e.g AA is only for the royal family, CD is Corps Diplomatique, LM is army...

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Format (00-00-AB)

    1965 AD, AE, AF, AG, AH, AJ, AK, AL, AM, AN, AP, AR, AS, AT, AU, AV, AX, AZ

    1966 DE, DF, DG, DH, DJ, DK

    1967 DK, DL, DM, DN, DP, DR, DS, DT, DU, DV, DX, DZ, EA, ED, EE, EF, EG, EH, EJ, EK, EL, EM, EN, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EV, EX, EZ

    1968 EZ, FA, FD, FE, FF, FG, FJ, FK, FL, FM, FN, FP, FR, FS, FT, FU, FV, FX, FZ, GA, GD, GE, GF, GG, GH, GJ, GK, GL, GM, GP, GR, GS, GT, GU, GX, GZ, HD, HE, HG, HJ, HK, HL, HM, HN

    1969 HN, HP, HR, HS, HT, HU, HV, HX, HZ, JA, JD, JE, JF, JG, JH, JJ, JK, JL, JM, JN, JP, JR, JS, JT, JU, JV, JX, JZ, MA, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ, MK, ML

    1970 ML, MM, MN, MP, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MX, MZ, NA, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NL, NM, NN, NP, NR, NS, NT, NU, NV, NX, NZ, PA, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PP, PR, PS, PT, PU, PV, PX, PZ, RA

    1971 RA, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RJ, RK, RL, RM, RN, RP, RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RX, RZ, SE, SF, SG, SH, SJ, SK, SL, SM, SN, SP, SR, ST, SU, SV, SX, SZ, TA

    1972 SV, SX, SZ, TA, TD, TE, TF, TG, TH, TJ, TK, TL, TM, TN, TP, TR, TS, TU, TV, TX, TZ, UA, UD, UE, UF, UG, UH, UJ, UK, UL, UM, UN, UP, UR, US, UT, UU, UV, UX, UZ, VA, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VJ, VK, VL, VM, VN, VP, VR, VS, VT, VU, VV, VX, VZ

    1973 VR, VS, VT, VU, VV, VX, VZ, XA, XD, XE, XF, XG, XH, XJ, XK, XL, XM, XN, XP, XR, XS, XT, XU, XV, XX, XZ, ZA, ZD, ZE, ZF, ZG, ZH, ZJ, ZK, ZL, ZM, ZN, ZP, ZR, ZS, ZT, ZU, ZV, ZX

    Format (00-AB-00)

    1973 AD, AE, AF, AG, AH, AJ, AK, AL, AM, AN, AP, AR, AS, AT, AU, AV, AX, AZ, BA, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH

    1974 AS, AT, AU, AV, AX, AZ, BA, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BJ, BK, BL, BM, BP, BR, BS, BT, BU, BV, BX, BZ, DA, DD, DE, DF, DG, DH, DJ, DK, DL, DM, DN, DP, DR, DS, DT, DU, DV, DX, DZ, EA, ED, EE, EF, EG, EH, EJ, EK, EL, EM, EN, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EV

    1975 EJ, EK, EL, EM, EN, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EV, EX, EZ, FA, FD, FE, FF, FG, FJ, FK, FL, FM, FN, FP, FR, FS, FT, FU, FV, FX, FZ, GA, GD, GE, GF, GG, GH, GJ, GK, GL, GM, GP, GR, GS, GT, GU, GX, GZ, HD, HE, HG, HJ, HK, HL, HM, HN, HP, HR, HS, HT, HU, HV, HX

    1976 HP, HR, HS, HT, HU, HV, HX, HZ, JA, JD, JE, JF, JG, JH, JJ, JK, JL, JM, JN, JP, JR, JS, JT, JU, JV, JX, JZ, MA, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ, MK, ML, MN, MP, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MX, MZ, NA, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NL, NM, NN, NP, NR, NS, NT, NU, NV, NX, NZ, PA, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH

    1977 NX, NZ, PA, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PP, PR, PS, PT, PU, PV, PX, PZ, RA, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RJ, RK, RL, RM, RN, RP, RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RX, RZ, SE, SF, SG, SH, SJ, SK, SL, SM, SN, SP, SR, ST, SU, SV, SX, SZ, TA, TD, TE, TF, TG, TH, TJ, TK, TL, TM, TN, TP, TR, TS, TT, TU, TV, TX, TZ, UA

    1978 TM, TN, TP, TR, TS, TT, TU, TV, TX, TZ, UA, UD, UE, UF, UG, UH, UJ, UK, UL, UM, UN, UP, UR, US, UT, UU, UV, UX, UZ, VA, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VJ, VK, VL, VM, VN, VP, VR, VS, VT, VU, VV, VX, VZ, XA, XD, XE, XF, XG, XH, XJ, XK, XL, XM, XN, XP, XR, XS, XT, XU, XV

    Format (AB-00-AB)

    1978 DB, DD, DF, DG, DH, DJ, DK

    1979 DL, DN, DP, DR, DS, DT, DV, DX, DY, DZ, FB, FD, FF, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FL, FN, FP, FR

    1980 FS, FT, FV, FX, FY, FZ, GB, GD, GF, GG, GH, GJ, GK, GL, GN, GP

    Reply in German if you want, but allow me to stick to English.

  • Second part of the Spanish SIgnal pack, This time the evolution of the unified signals. Starting by the Late NORTE signals introduced by 1939, but 2 years later, these models where adopted by the new RENFE as unified electric signals.

    1940s Home signal

    1930-1940s block signal

    1940s Short home signals, used inside stations and rail yards.

    1940s Signal for electric trains, blue light acts like a red light, but only for electric locos and units.

    In 1957, Renfe agree the European agreement for rail traffic, changing the classic Spanish light code (red-green-white) by the modern European one(red-yellow-green). Also the signals got uptaded, simplifying the model, and changing the light code:

    1950s Home signal

    1950s Distant signal
    Also during 50s other systems were introduced, like the CTC signals (Centralized Traffic Control) using North American patents from the GSC.

    1950s CTC Main signal.

    Some screens:
