Gameplay-Patch angekündigt

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  • There is also code that although certain things accepted (the params can also be a function) but later acknowledged the game with a crash. The C++ code for Lua speaks also for example no LUA metatables. ‎
    ‎ In the end with a few exceptions the LUA continues to be only a static data supplier world, this will then only reads and then converted to UG compatible objects or build instructions. This conversion can take quite unreasonable values for the game, we see this mostly as a crash when loading or removing. ‎

    So you want to modify the environement for example modify connection of the nodes in another station near by or tracks from Lua?

    I will be interesting but that will double the work of UG since they need to make a C-Lua conversion..

    Yes, it's a better design, like visitor pattern, perhaps, UG can design a hook in C++ and expose the APIs by giving .h, then modder could design native C dlls ported to Lua mod script, and in update fn there can be a function like "operation" to do this. But C++ is platform specified, so that means a modder need to have limit the OS which the mod can be used.

    This guy is too lazy to create a signature. 8o

  • Wie schon früher gesagt, wünsche ich mir nur bessere APIs zum Spiel hin gesehen und auch mehr Kontrolle für die Nutzererfahrung.
    Well, as said earlier I only wish better APIs and better control over the UI experience.

    - bessere API für das Laden von neuen Ressourcen (Gleise, Straßen, Tunnel) und Fehlerbehandlung *
    - Kontrolle über das Konstruktionsfenster per LUA. Ich möchte alle Internen UI Elemente (Knöpfe usw. selber Festlegen)
    Daraus erstellt meine LUA Funktion eine Parameter Liste die in der Entity Konstruktion abgelegt werden kann.
    - Möglichkeit im Virtuellen Res Ordner nach Dateien zu suchen.
    - Pfad Auslesen/Speichern von Mod spezifischen Einstellungen.
    - Snappoints für Konstruktionen
    - Bessere Kontrolle über die Bodentätigkeiten eines Gleis. (Und auch keine Änderung Textur bei alignTerrain = false)
    - Abschalten von Tunnelwänden (Ich will nicht jedes Modgleis duplizieren um die Wände zu ändern)

    Ich werde die API Diskussion jetzt aber mal Auslagern und einen neuen Thread erstellen:

    Mod API Diskussion (weiterführung aus dem Beta News Beitrag)

  • - better control over the ground activities of a track. (And also no change texture when alignTerrain = false)

    I think it would rather an option, not a rule.

    Since they are there as furthest lods.

    -Path reading/storing mod-specific settings. ‎‎

    I think this can be done freely? For me it's not very reasonable. I would rather suggest a private space in gamesave to store mod settings.

    create my LUA function a parameter list that construction can be placed in the entity. ‎

    What's it?

    -control over the construction window via LUA. I want all internal UI elements (buttons, etc. yourself set)‎

    Control over the height and width, also spinbox or input box will be interesting.

    This guy is too lazy to create a signature. 8o

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Enzojz ()

  • Build 13482 (July 25)

    • Fixed terrain alignment issues
    • Fixed water/shore ground textures
  • Build 13482 (July 25)

    • Fixed terrain alignment issues
    • Fixed water/shore ground textures

    Don't know what terrain alignment issue has been fixed but the terrain alignment issue with my open cut station have never been fixed.

    And I quite sure it's about their algothrim:

    Normally upgrade a station to recalculate the terrain, it should be recalculated again. But it seems they are using a differential calculs, and the logic seems be (old xor new1) * (old xor new2) + .., and that will introduce errors. The correct one shoule be (old xor (new1 * new2 * new 3...))

    This guy is too lazy to create a signature. 8o

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Enzojz ()

  • @Marcolino26 auf Steam sollte es ein Beta-Forum oder Beta-Patch-Thread geben, wo so was veröffentlicht wird. Zu früheren Beta-Patches gab es mal ein Link, der zu Steam führte, leider jetzt nicht mehr.

    Da der Beta-Patch und der Support auch nur über Steam stattfindet (offiezell), werden auch dort alle Bugs überwiegend gepostet. Man kann UG natürlich auch direkt über Mail anschreiben. info at transportfever punkt com

    Intel Core i9 11900H CPU 2.60 GHz

    32 GB DDR4 SDRAM

    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, 16 GB GDDR6, 256-bit (Treiber 536.40 v. 29.06.2023)

    Win 11 home 64-Bit

  • Aber heute soll ja nun der große Tag sein, wenn der 26.07. noch steht. Wird die Patch-Freigabe Nachmittags oder Abends sein?

    Intel Core i9 11900H CPU 2.60 GHz

    32 GB DDR4 SDRAM

    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, 16 GB GDDR6, 256-bit (Treiber 536.40 v. 29.06.2023)

    Win 11 home 64-Bit

  • Hier habt ihr noch dazu die Patchnotes:

    Build 13482 (July 26)

    • Added explicit terminal/track selection feature
    • Added street waypoint feature
    • Added multiple cargo compartments per vehicle feature (ships)
    • Added new line station load mode: unload only
    • Added confirmation dialog when bulldozing large structures
    • Added terrain cut feature (proper tunnels)
    • Added vehicle icon coloring feature (icons show actual vehicle color)
    • Added warning when no path can be found connecting all stops of a line
    • Added embankment slope property to street/track types
    • Added maintenance cost property to track/bridge/tunnel types
    • Added lightScale property to emissive material (use with ordinary dds/tga textures)
    • Added proper application icon
    • Improved people/cargo consistency: don't disappear on station upgrade
    • Improved people/cargo consistency: don't disappear on street modification
    • Improved people/cargo consistency: walk/drive home if a path no longer exists
    • Improved terrain alignment collision handling: less collisions on station upgrade
    • Improved terrain alignment collision handling: less collisions on street modification
    • Improved street/track construction menu (incl. magic wand for tracks)
    • Improved overview tab in station window
    • Improved tunnel portals and interior geometry
    • Improved resource consistency (add new content like street types to existing game)
    • Improved industry order for small maps
    • Improved vehicle store
    • Improved text input fields: text selection
    • Improved user interface: added sliders in various places
    • Improved signal/waypoint window
    • Improved vehicle/line coloring: new vehicles adopt color of existing line vehicles
    • Improved construction parameter layout: automatic line break if too wide
    • Improved error handling when model/group files contain invalid events
    • Improved list keyboard navigation: press letter (A,B,C..) to jump to item
    • Improved modding support: terrain and town parameters in base config
    • Improved usability: suggest name in savegame dialog
    • Improved mod selection dialog
    • Fixed vehicle logic: always send non-train cargo vehicles to first stop
    • Fixed rail discontinuity in double slip switch
    • Fixed task cannot be completed after medal in mission EU02
    • Fixed sunken ship smoke in mission EU03
    • Fixed details in mission EU05
    • Fixed cargo load indicators not working for trams, ships and aircraft
    • Fixed save game dialog overwrite without confirmation in rare cases
    • Fixed transparent tunnel profile for parallel track case
    • Fixed crash when upgrading a street without car lanes
    • Fixed crash when bulldozing constructions without models (e.g. streets only)
    • Fixed crash when building a bus stop on a street without car lanes
    • Fixed crash when encountering certain Unicode characters
    • Fixed end-of-month crash when towns are very close
    • Fixed vehicle/line coloring when vehicle gets auto-replaced
    • Fixed wooden bridge crossing
    • Fixed several station colliders
    • Fixed constructions with type "asset" not bulldozable
    • Fixed freeze when following a person walking over an invalid edge
    • Fixed wrong terrain alignment after bulldozing streets or tracks
    • Fixed distorted construction ground textures (non-loop stroke)
    • Fixed open/close door sounds not played for ships and aircraft
  • UG hat auch ein offizielles Video zu dem Patch gemacht:

    Externer Inhalt
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    Viel Spaß damit :)

  • @GamingPotatoes ich gehe stark davon aus, das sind jedenfalls die Patchnotes die auserhalb der Beta Gruppe veröffentlicht wurden.

  • Geil, ein nächster Patch ist in Arbeit. Ich muss mir jetzt erst mal ne trockne Hose anziehen. :thumbsup:

    Intel Core i9 11900H CPU 2.60 GHz

    32 GB DDR4 SDRAM

    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, 16 GB GDDR6, 256-bit (Treiber 536.40 v. 29.06.2023)

    Win 11 home 64-Bit
