Nordisches DLC als Community-Projekt

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Personally I like this version the best: /Anton

    When I started doing lots of research on the locomotive, I realized that is the first livery it wore. I think that one is the most appropriate for the DLC pack.

    For those who like the T43, I have been working on it, but it has been slow because I do not use 3DS max very much. Unfortunately, the rounded edges did not turn up very well in the render. Currently the locomotive has 734 polygons.

    Monolingual. West coast is best coast!

  • @Pufferzone: Da haben wieder die gemeinen Achsendiebe zugeschlagen :D Hättest du nichts gesagt, wäre das bei den Fred`schen Eisenbahnwerken auch niemanden aufgefallen.
    @DrFedi: Ab sofort wird Karl-Heinz von Klaus-Dieter unterstützt.
    @mediziner: Hab jetzt noch ne passende Mütze gebastelt - garnicht so einfach, sowas zu modellieren - ich glaub da bleib ich lieber bei Fahrzeugen.

    Inzwischen gibts auch noch nen kurzen schwedischen Abteilwagen - also eigentlich nur ein leicht modifizierter bayerischer Abteilwagen, aber besser als nichts.


  • @fred1690 Du bist doch irre :D Haust ihr erstmal ne geile Lok zusammen und dann auch noch Mit Karl-Heinz und Klaus-Dieter
    und bastels dann auch noch mal ebend Mützen für sie Einfach nur genial, Kann man deinen 2 Kleinen Begleiern noch ne animation hinzufügen Z.b ein winken am Bahnhof bevor sie Abfahren ???

    ich Freue mich schon auf das Nordic DLC
    weis denn einer wie lange das noch so dauert mit Dem Dlc ??? würde mich mal interessieren

  • Hey Jungs,

    erstmal großartige Arbeit die ihr da verrichtet. Eigentlich sollten euch die Hersteller dafür Geld geben. Darüber hinaus wollte ich mal fragen ob ihr auch den ICE TD macht?

  • :D Karl-Heinz und Klaus-Dieter, naja müssten die nich in Schweden eher so Erik-Gustav und Sören-Lasse heißen? :P Sieht echt geil aus.Lokführer
    und Heizer geben dem ganzen natürlich deutlich mehr Atmosphäre, als diese steril wirkenden Loks, die mit Geisterhand fahren.
    Bin immer wieder erstaunt, dass ihr bei der Geschwindigkeit mit der ihr alle arbeitet, trotzdem so viele Details einbaut. Echt klasse!

  • A few hours in 3DS max and the locomotive is beginning to look proper. A number of invisible fixes to the cab have been made, and the tanks, tank supports, and plow have been added, as well as the bulge on top of the long hood. You cannot see it because it is on the far side, but the short hood has had the large grille cut out, and will get louvers added to it. The locomotive currently has 1613 polys.

  • Unglaublich, was Ihr lieben Leute da auf die Beine stellt! Freue mich riesig auf das DLC.
    Vor allem auf das Terrain kann ich kaum mehr warten, seit ichs gesehen habe. Werde künftig ausschliesslich mit dem spielen. Es sieht so viel besser als das Original aus, und zwar nicht nur für nordische Gegenden....

    BIn immer noch baff....

  • @marcelletsplay: Das mit der Animation wäre theretisch möglich - aber der Aufwand wäre auch beachtlich. Wird es also erstmal nicht geben.

    Mir ist gestern eingefallen, dass ich ja auch mit dem DSB MA mal angefangen hatte. Da geht es jetzt auch mal ganz langsam weiter.


  • @fred1690 das mit den Animationen ist mir schon klar das es ein Beachtlicher aufwand ist hatte mich Halt nur interessiert ob es Möglich sei ist aber dennoch ein Sehr schönes model was da Gezaubert hast auch die DSB MA sieht schon sehr geil aus ich freue mich auf eure arbeiten und auch endlich sie zu spielen

    @Mumm Welches Terrain Meintes Du Eigendlich ???

  • Where should the Nordic DLC be distributed? 70

    Das Ergebnis ist nur für Teilnehmer sichtbar.

    Okay, so i have some info from UG regarding DLC distribution.

    ...Some question rises on how much control do we have if it is released on Steam? How often and how much work is it to release an update?

    Okay, so i have some info from UG regarding DLC distribution.

    1) UG distributes the Nordic DLC as a free DLC through Steam.
    + Hustle free installation.
    + Great availability to all versions of TF (Steam, GOG and retail).
    + Great exposure and attention.
    - Dependent on Urban Games for Steam and GOG releases.

    We have to update and test each DLC update (Duh!) and UG will compile and distribute both GOG and Steam versions of the DLC on our behalf.
    All retail versions are using the Steam DRM.

    So for us it isn't any more work than the obvious to distribute it through UG on Steam and GOG. This will not of course exclude the option to distribute it on as well.

    2) Distribution Excluxivley through
    + Updates can be released at any time.
    + Not dependent on Urban Games.
    - We are not reaching the full audience, especially the non German speaking.
    - Less exposure.

    For both cases - TFMM, TFGM and any other mod manager needs to handle the mod version from as a DLC, not an ordinary mod.
    Since we need to test the mod before release on Steam/GOG we need to have it available on anyway for testing.
    I made a poll about it, but I think the answer is quite obvious ;)

  • First of all, modders have to compleate their work on required vehicles needed for the DLC-timeline. We can't publish anything if work is not finished. There is a swedish modder who is really slow on finishing his locomotive ;)

    Your poll btw is excluding the best solution: DLC will pass ist way through Beta into final version and will be available on Patches, fixes and updates will be available for all users when they are ready. Especially GOG user will not have to wait for weeks for an update. When there is a stable, compleate version and Urban Games is interested in Publishing the community DLC on steam we'll have a closer look at this option. A release through Urban Games is always a commercial release. No matter if it available for free or not. So we'll have to check all objects for licencing rights and remove some content we don't have the rights for.

    Also audience on is not limited to german speaking people. But of course we can promote our work also on Steam and official site ;)

  • First of all, modders have to compleate their work on required vehicles needed for the DLC-timeline. We can't publish anything if work is not finished. There is a swedish modder who is really slow on finishing his locomotive ;)

    Ehurm... :rolleyes:

    Your poll btw is excluding the best solution: DLC will pass ist way through Beta into final version and will be available on Patches, fixes and updates will be available for all users when they are ready. Especially GOG user will not have to wait for weeks for an update. When there is a stable, compleate version and Urban Games is interested in Publishing the community DLC on steam we'll have a closer look at this option.

    I think you have misread what I meant, or I wasn't clear enough.
    In any case, regardless if it is published on Steam or not, the DLC must be available on, at least for beta testing. I also said that one thing won't exclude the other...
    That its why I said this poll is quite obvious :) The first alternative includes

    A release through Urban Games is always a commercial release. No matter if it available for free or not. So we'll have to check all objects for licencing rights and remove some content we don't have the rights for.

    That is a very good point that I never thought of. Maybe Urban Games can help us with the legal stuff? I will ask them about what paperworks needs to be done...

    Also audience on is not limited to german speaking people. But of course we can promote our work also on Steam and official site ;)

    Unfortunately, it is mostly german, even in this thread where we try to make a Nordic DLC. This is actually one of the reasons why my modelling goes so slow, I can't participate in the discussions and I lose interest...

  • If all non-German modders did that, Flux, there wouldn't be many mods.

    The language barrier is real. Translating discussions in the browser is not particularly good because
    1)paragraphs and links are broken - they all end up in a solid wall of text which makes it hard to read.
    2) The translation seldom does a good job, thus I feel I'm losing a lot between the lines.

    Thus I keep out of discussions. But post my work, all though, as Gwinda says, the sparking interest in making mods isn't always 'there', one reason being of the language barrier.

  • Perhaps language of discussion in this threat should be switched to Swedish/Danish/Norwegian. Those who don't understand that don't have to participate in the discussion, just be here watch the pictures shown by other Modders and post some own pictures of progress.

    Now being serious:
    I think every German post here should also contain a translation to English of what is written. It's a good opportunity to practice our English as well.
