Nordisches DLC als Community-Projekt

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Since the trucks are available well in the dlc, I thought I'll put the Volvo Viking on hold and start something else. I have wanted to do steam trains for a while now so I thought I'd start one.

    This will be Hr1 (express passenger)/ Tr1 (heavy freight), they both share same body mostly so I can do two steam locos at the same time. Tr1 will have more and smaller wheels and is also more powerful

    Hr1 is available 1937-1974 and Tr1 1940-1975

  • Hallo,ich weiß nun nicht ob es schon angesprochen wurde, es sind ja schon recht viele Beiträge.
    Ich habe nun zum ersten mal das Nordische Dlc gespielt und mir ist aufgefallen das es keine Wegpunke gibt,zumindest bis 1900.
    Fehlen diese im Spiel selbst oder ist das ein Fehler bei mir ?

    MfG Andy

    Intel Core i7 6700 3.4GHz
    32GB Ram
    GeForce GTX 1070 8GB
    250 GB SSD
    1TB HDD

  • I started to build a stone-arc bridge (when its called so ^^ ). For that i searched a nice stone-texture with normals - but i thought, its not that great to copy other's stuff. And baking normals was a thing i always wanted to try :D So now i try to create a tiled stone texture with a fitting normal-map :D

    Here some pics of that:

    I created some rocks/stones and placed them over a plane. This combination shall get the wall. So i want to get this whole thing tilable -> so i copied the stones with Array-Modifiers and i can easyly fill the gaps now. Thats the plan...

    Lets hope, it will result in a fine texture >< At last a small pic of my bridge, as it is planned. Have to disassamble this whole thing, so its usefull for TF. Wil be some new stuff to research for me :D

    Well, lets see, where it will end *trash* xD

  • Thank you, all!

    Working on the chimney. Also need a foundation. Will make a red, white and perhaps a brown version, maybe yellow.

  • Far be it from me to tell you what to do with the house PaTrond, but I will say Red, Yellow, Blue, White and grey are super common colors in Sweden for wooden houses just like that.

    I would suggest something along those lines, or keeping them in mind! Beautiful job regardless!

  • Ok, did make some progress. Textured my wall with a nice tutorial, as you see in the Node-Editor, it was quite tricky xD But it looks pretty good so far. But i think, i have to re-render the texture "light-neutral". Because the shadowing is meant to be computed by the normal. Well, for a first test, i tried it this way:

    After that, i placed a plane right above my scene and baked the normal onto it:

    Looks a bit strange and grainy, but couldnt find out how to make it better :/ Well, with those two texture, i ran back to my lil bridge and apllied it:

    Not bad, not bad. I think this could get a great piece of modell :D Unfortunately i need another stone-texture, that are... clamping? ^^ the bridge at its sides. Well, also this will be doable!

  • It is time I unveil what I've been doing this week. I have always wanted to do more with the NSB Flirt, and this week have been dedicated to that. First of all, I must apologize to anyone's been using the Flirt and thinking 'something's not right". You're absolutely correct. The model suffered because of a handful reasons.

    The biggest reason is I was racing against myself. I wanted to complete the model and have it ready for TF as soon as possible after the game had released.
    Another reason was I had never done a mod like this before. I've never modeled anything like it, nor did I have the knowledge I have now.

    I have learned a ton since then, and I believe I've matured from a hobbyist to something more advanced.

    The original vs the new.
    The old model had a uniform length for all three carriages in the middle, and they all shared bogies. This is incorrect. The carriages differ from one another, not only how they share bogies or not, but also in window placement because of vending machines and toilets.

    Since I was getting into remaking a lot of the model I stepped it up a little and added some more..

    New pantograph. Old one in the back.

    The carriages have been remodeled from scratch, the front/rear have had some extra new details added as well as a new pantograph. The UV maps and textures are brand new and made from the ground up.

    No word on when it will be available in the Nordic DLC yet though, as I still need to add some interior so it looks acceptable when doors the open.

  • Deutsch

    @mediziner und ich haben einen weiteren Güterwagen für das DLC zusammengeschraubt, den Typ G der finnischen Staatsbahnen (VR). Eigentlich gibt es die VR erst seit 1960, der Wagen wird im Spiel aber trotzdem schon ab 1850 verfügbar sein. Danke an @Onionjack für die nützlichen Infos (Pläne, Bilder, Daten).

    Texturen: mediziner, Modell: Merk

    @Seamon: Ein fehlender loadSpeed-Eintrag ist bei Fahrzeugen mit Kapazität gleichbedeutend mit loadSpeed = 1 (sonst 0). Man sollte sich bei Scripten also besser nicht darauf verlassen, dass der Eintrag vorhanden ist.

  • @Seamon: Ein fehlender loadSpeed-Eintrag ist bei Fahrzeugen mit Kapazität gleichbedeutend mit loadSpeed = 1 (sonst 0). Man sollte sich bei Scripten also besser nicht darauf verlassen, dass der Eintrag vorhanden ist.

    Keine Sorge @Merk, in meinem Script ist ein Test, der zuerst prüft, ob ein solcher Eintrag vorhanden ist, bevor er ihn ausliest. Das mit dem Defaultwert habe ich ja bereits erwähnt.

    Das letzte Mal habe ich diesen Prätest allerdings ganz bewusst ausgelassen bzw. nur bei Fahrzeugen laufen lassen, die eine Kapazität haben, um mir sagen zu lassen, in welchen Mods diese eben fehlen. Dabei ist mir eben aufgefallen, dass nicht nur Mods, sondern auch das DLC betroffen sind. Und gerade die genannten Personenwagen verfügen gemäss .mdl auch über mehr als eine Türe pro Seite. Ob das aber eine schmale Doppeltüre ist, habe ich allerdings nicht geprüft.

    Auf der anderen Seite seid ihr auch nicht gezwungen, das DLC deswegen anzupassen, war mehr so ein Hinweis. Wie gesagt, mein Script ist zum DLC kompatibel.

  • Huh, creating textures and normals on my own costs good time :P Well, last week ill in bed and still not completely "over the top", but i cant lay anymore -.- Created some textures for the ... capital-stones? The Ones on the bridges border at top ^^ AND! I found out, why the normals looked so ugly (almost non existant): I simply put the output of the texture-node to the normals-input without processing it with a normal-map-node in between ^^ Well, now it looks nice again. Also the arc's edges are a bit more round now :) Now the ceiling... Some ideas, how they are made? Color like a dark green metal/rusted look (if im able to create this ^^) and the top, this hand... thing. The top of the ceiling, where you would normally put your hand on (when its not a rail-bridge ^^ ).
